Kate Beeching

List of John Benjamins publications for which Kate Beeching plays a role.

Discourse-pragmatic markers, fillers and filled pauses: Pragmatic, cognitive, multimodal and sociolinguistic perspectives

Edited by Kate Beeching, Grant Howie, Minna Kirjavainen and Anna Piasecki

Special issue of Pragmatics & Cognition 29:2 (2022) iii, 213 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Cognitive psychology | Discourse studies | Philosophy | Pragmatics

Positioning the Self and Others: Linguistic perspectives

Edited by Kate Beeching, Chiara Ghezzi and Piera Molinelli

[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 292] 2018. vi, 316 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology

Sociolinguistic Variation in Contemporary French

Edited by Kate Beeching, Nigel Armstrong and Françoise Gadet

Subjects Romance linguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology | Theoretical linguistics
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Romance linguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Diachronic studies of discourse markers suggest they follow a unidirectional developmental path, from propositional to textual and expressive uses. The present study tests whether children acquire the propositional (literal) before the expressive (pragmatic) functions of two adversative… read more
Beeching, Kate, Grant Howie, Minna Kirjavainen and Anna Piasecki 2022 Discourse-pragmatic markers, fillers and filled pauses: Pragmatic, cognitive, multimodal and sociolinguistic perspectivesDiscourse-pragmatic markers, fillers and filled pauses: Pragmatic, cognitive, multimodal and sociolinguistic perspectives, Beeching, Kate, Grant Howie, Minna Kirjavainen and Anna Piasecki (eds.), pp. 181–194 | Introduction
Beeching, Kate 2018 Chapter 6. Metacommenting in English and French: A variational pragmatics approachPositioning the Self and Others: Linguistic perspectives, Beeching, Kate, Chiara Ghezzi and Piera Molinelli (eds.), pp. 127–153 | Chapter
Metacommenters allow speakers to take some distance from a particular lexical selection, or enter into a negotiation with their interlocutors. A variational pragmatics approach is taken to the investigation of metacommenting in English and French, in Europe and Canada/the US, drawing on a range of… read more
Beeching, Kate, Chiara Ghezzi and Piera Molinelli 2018 Chapter 1. IntroductionPositioning the Self and Others: Linguistic perspectives, Beeching, Kate, Chiara Ghezzi and Piera Molinelli (eds.), pp. 1–18 | Chapter
Beeching, Kate 2017 Chapter 17. Just a suggestion: just/e in French and EnglishPragmatic Markers, Discourse Markers and Modal Particles: New perspectives, Fedriani, Chiara and Andrea Sansó (eds.), pp. 459–480 | Chapter
This article aims to illustrate what a contrastive perspective, combined with sociolinguistic and corpus approaches, can bring to the investigation of the evolution of pragmatic functions which emerge through language contact (Ingham 2012a) and pragmatic borrowing (Andersen 2014). A recent… read more
Beeching, Kate 2016  Alors/donc/then at the right periphery: Seeking confirmation of an inferencePeriphery – Diachronic and Cross-Linguistic Approaches, Higashiizumi, Yuko, Noriko O. Onodera and Sung-Ock S. Sohn (eds.), pp. 208–230 | Article
This paper compares the functions and development of right peripheral (RP) alors, donc and then in French and English. These items developed historically from temporal expressions, they express consequence and can serve, intersubjectively, as an appeal to the addressee to confirm previous… read more
Traugott and Dasher (2002) suggest that the frequency of certain contextual interpretations of an item can end up by eclipsing its original sense. Pragmatic markers, lying at the extreme right of the spectrum of semantic change where the core meaning is almost entirely bleached, are often… read more
Beeching, Kate 2012 Semantic change: Evidence from false friendsPragmatic Markers and Pragmaticalization: Lessons from false friends, Lauwers, Peter, Gudrun Vanderbauwhede and Stijn Verleyen (eds.), pp. 11–36 | Article
Functional linguists are in general agreement that semantic change may be triggered as part of the negotiation of meaning in interactional contexts: a ‘one-off’ contextual implicature generalises to become a new core meaning of a lexical item (Traugott and Dasher, 2002). In what ways, however, does… read more
Beeching, Kate 2010 Semantic change: Evidence from false friendsPragmatic Markers and Pragmaticalization: Lessons from false friends, Lauwers, Peter, Gudrun Vanderbauwhede and Stijn Verleyen (eds.), pp. 139–165 | Article
Functional linguists are in general agreement that semantic change may be triggered as part of the negotiation of meaning in interactional contexts: a ‘one-off’ contextual implicature generalises to become a new core meaning of a lexical item (Traugott and Dasher, 2002). In what ways, however,… read more
Beeching, Kate 2009 IntroductionSociolinguistic Variation in Contemporary French, Beeching, Kate, Nigel Armstrong and Françoise Gadet (eds.), pp. vii–xii | Miscellaneous
Beeching, Kate 2009 Sociolinguistic factors 
and the pragmaticalization of bon in contemporary spoken FrenchSociolinguistic Variation in Contemporary French, Beeching, Kate, Nigel Armstrong and Françoise Gadet (eds.), pp. 215–230 | Article
The multifunctional nature of discourse-marking bon (well) is well-attested in the literature (Auchlin, 1981; Winther, 1985, Hansen, 1998a and b, Jayez, 2004). Its adverbial and interjective uses can, according to Hansen (1998a), be related to its canonical adjectival use (as in ‘C’est bon’ ‘It’s… read more
Beeching, Kate and Richard Waltereit 2009 IntroductionSociolinguistic Variation in Contemporary French, Beeching, Kate, Nigel Armstrong and Françoise Gadet (eds.), pp. 195–199 | Miscellaneous
This paper posits that certain “qualificatory” semantic primes are recruited to serve face-management needs in a metonymic Meaning1>Meaning2 relationship at what Traugott and Dasher (2002) have called the inter­subjective, non-truth-conditional, procedural, scope-over-discourse end of the… read more