Dominique Bassano-Bonhommo
List of John Benjamins publications for which Dominique Bassano-Bonhommo plays a role.
Grammaticalization and First Language Acquisition: Crosslinguistic perspectives
Edited by Dominique Bassano-Bonhommo and Maya Hickmann †
[Benjamins Current Topics, 50] 2013. v, 187 pp.
Subjects Language acquisition | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Grammaticalization and first language acquisition – Crosslinguistic perspectives/Grammaticalisation et acquisition des langues premières - Perspectives interlangues
Edited by Dominique Bassano-Bonhommo and Maya Hickmann †
Special issue of Language, Interaction and Acquisition 2:1 (2011) v, 184 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Language acquisition | Multilingualism
L’ émergence du figement dans la production langagière précoce: Une comparaison français – arabe tunisien Language, Interaction and Acquisition 11:2, pp. 196–231 | Article
2020 Malgré l’ importance prise par le thème du figement dans la recherche récente, l’ étude de la production des séquences figées ou semi-figées au tout début du langage reste encore très peu développée. Le présent article examine l’ émergence du figement chez l’ enfant en adoptant une approche… read more
Chapter 10. New perspectives on input-output dynamics: Example from the emergence of the Noun category Sources of Variation in First Language Acquisition: Languages, contexts, and learners, Hickmann, Maya †, Edy Veneziano and Harriet Jisa (eds.), pp. 201–218 | Chapter
2018 This study addresses the role of input, i.e., child-directed speech, in child language acquisition. Proposing a dynamic approach of input-output relationships, we examine the development of noun determiners in the spontaneous production data of three monolingual children between one and three years… read more
The acquisition of nominal determiners: Evidence from cross-linguistic approaches The Acquisition of Reference, Serratrice, Ludovica and Shanley E.M. Allen (eds.), pp. 25–49 | Article
2015 The acquisition of nominal determiners, in particular articles, has inspired a vast amount of research in different theoretical frameworks. Focusing on cross-linguistic approaches, this overview addresses two main issues: the emergence of determiners in children’s early speech, and the later… read more
Grammaticalization and first language acquisition: Crosslinguistic perspectives Grammaticalization and First Language Acquisition: Crosslinguistic perspectives, Bassano-Bonhommo, Dominique and Maya Hickmann † (eds.), pp. 1–12 | Article
2013 The acquisition of nominal determiners in French and German: A cross-linguistic perspective on the grammaticalization of nouns Grammaticalization and First Language Acquisition: Crosslinguistic perspectives, Bassano-Bonhommo, Dominique and Maya Hickmann † (eds.), pp. 37–59 | Article
2013 In many languages, the acquisition of nominal determiners is a central aspect of the emergence of grammar in children. This study compares the development of determiners — between the ages 1–3 — in the spontaneous productions of two children who acquire French and Austrian German respectively.… read more
On the role of input for children’s early production of bare infinitives in German and French: Frequency, informativeness, salience Language, Interaction and Acquisition 4:1, pp. 70–90 | Article
2013 The “optional infinitive” phenomenon, i.e. the existence of an early developmental phase in which children show a strong preference for using bare non-finite verb forms, has been the subject of many studies and much controversy. The aim of this study is to assess the role of distributional… read more
Grammaticalisation et acquisition des langues premières: Perspectives interlangues Grammaticalization and first language acquisition – Crosslinguistic perspectives/Grammaticalisation et acquisition des langues premières - Perspectives interlangues, Bassano-Bonhommo, Dominique and Maya Hickmann † (eds.), pp. 1–11 | Article
2011 L’acquisition des déterminants nominaux en français et en allemand: Une perspective interlangue sur la grammaticalisation des noms Grammaticalization and first language acquisition – Crosslinguistic perspectives/Grammaticalisation et acquisition des langues premières - Perspectives interlangues, Bassano-Bonhommo, Dominique and Maya Hickmann † (eds.), pp. 37–60 | Article
2011 In many languages, noun determiner acquisition is a central aspect of the emergence of grammar in children. The study compares the development of determiners — between one and three years of age — in the spontaneous productions of two children who acquire French and Austrian German, respectively.… read more