Lieven Vandelanotte

List of John Benjamins publications for which Lieven Vandelanotte plays a role.



Grammar, usage and discourse: Functional studies offered to Kristin Davidse

Edited by Lieven Vandelanotte, Wout Van Praet and Lieselotte Brems

Special issue of English Text Construction 10:2 (2017) v, 159 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | English linguistics | English literature & literary studies | Theoretical literature & literary studies

Corpus Interrogation and Grammatical Patterns

Edited by Kristin Davidse, Caroline Gentens, Lobke Ghesquière and Lieven Vandelanotte

[Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 63] 2014. viii, 358 pp.
Subjects Corpus linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

Textual Choices in Discourse: A view from cognitive linguistics

Edited by Barbara Dancygier, José Sanders and Lieven Vandelanotte

[Benjamins Current Topics, 40] 2012. v, 198 pp.
Subjects Cognitive linguistics | Discourse studies | English linguistics | Pragmatics | Theoretical literature & literary studies
This paper explores questions of constructionality and framing in Internet discourse. It proposes a sharper understanding of what, as analysts, we mean by Internet memes, before turning to formal and semantic aspects of Internet memes as multimodal (image-text) constructions. A broad range of… read more
Vandelanotte, Lieven 2019 Changing perspectives: Something old, something newIrregular perspective shifts and perspective persistence: Discourse-oriented and theoretical approaches, Gentens, Caroline, María Sol Sansiñena, Stef Spronck and An Van linden (eds.), pp. 170–197 | Article
This paper investigates questions of perspective shift or non-shift against a background of a basic deictic-cognitive divide in our understanding of what comes under the linguistic notion of perspective. In differentiating ‘distancing’ from ‘free’ indirect speech/thought in narratives, it… read more
Vandelanotte, Lieven 2017 Favourite puzzles: Revisiting categories in grammar, usage and discourse from functional perspectivesGrammar, usage and discourse: Functional studies offered to Kristin Davidse, Vandelanotte, Lieven, Wout Van Praet and Lieselotte Brems (eds.), pp. 187–198 | Article
This introduction to the special issue “Grammar, usage and discourse: Functional studies offered to Kristin Davidse” first briefly reviews Kristin Davidse’s rich and varied trajectory in functional and cognitive linguistics, highlighting in particular the links between the domains represented by… read more
Davidse, Kristin, Lieven Vandelanotte, Caroline Gentens and Lobke Ghesquière 2014 Interrogating corpora to describe grammatical patternsCorpus Interrogation and Grammatical Patterns, Davidse, Kristin, Caroline Gentens, Lobke Ghesquière and Lieven Vandelanotte (eds.), pp. 1–11 | Article
Dancygier, Barbara, José Sanders and Lieven Vandelanotte 2012 Textual choices in discourse: Emerging views from cognitive linguisticsTextual Choices in Discourse: A view from cognitive linguistics, Dancygier, Barbara, José Sanders and Lieven Vandelanotte (eds.), pp. 185–191 | Article
Dancygier, Barbara, José Sanders and Lieven Vandelanotte 2012 Introductory remarksTextual Choices in Discourse: A view from cognitive linguistics, Dancygier, Barbara, José Sanders and Lieven Vandelanotte (eds.), pp. 1–3 | Article
Vandelanotte, Lieven 2012 Quotative go and be like: Grammar and grammaticalizationQuotatives: Cross-linguistic and cross-disciplinary perspectives, Buchstaller, Isabelle and Ingrid van Alphen (eds.), pp. 173–202 | Article
This chapter addresses the question how semantically non-reportative and grammatically intransitive verbs such as be (like) and go could come to be used in English quotative constructions. It rejects analyses which evoke the notion of ‘reporting verb’ or, for like, of complementizer, and argues… read more
Vandelanotte, Lieven 2012 ‘Where am I, lurking in what place of vantage?’: The discourse of distance in John Banville’s fictionTextual Choices in Discourse: A view from cognitive linguistics, Dancygier, Barbara, José Sanders and Lieven Vandelanotte (eds.), pp. 63–85 | Article
On the basis of a case study of The Book of Evidence and The Sea, this chapter looks at the linguistic means through which at different levels distance is created in the fiction of John Banville. In addition to more or less ‘local’ but frequent instances where the first-person narrator’s own… read more
On the basis of a case study of The Book of Evidence and The Sea, this paper looks at the linguistic means through which at different levels distance is created in the fiction of John Banville. In addition to more or less ‘local’ but frequent instances where the first-person narrator’s own… read more
Vandelanotte, Lieven 2007 Mister so-called X: Discourse functions and subjectification of so-calledFunctional Perspectives on Grammar and Discourse: In honour of Angela Downing, Butler, Christopher S., Raquel Hidalgo Downing and Julia Lavid-López (eds.), pp. 359–394 | Article
In this paper, I explore the usage range of the pattern Mister so-called X on the basis of internet data. In a first step I argue that framing adjectives such as so-called, alleged, and purported involve interpersonal rather than representational meaning and structure. Secondly, of the different… read more
Vandelanotte, Lieven 2006 Speech or Thought Representation and Subjectification, or on the need to think twiceTopics in Subjectification and Modalization, Cornillie, Bert and Nicole Delbecque (eds.), pp. 137–168 | Article