Nuria Sagarra

List of John Benjamins publications for which Nuria Sagarra plays a role.

Fernández-Arroyo, Laura, Nuria Sagarra and Kaylee Fernández 2022 Differential effects of language proficiency and use on L2 lexical predictionThe Mental Lexicon 17:2, pp. 213–238 | Article
Language experience is essential for SLA. Yet, studies comparing the role of L2 proficiency and L2 use on L2 processing are scant, and there are no studies examining how these variables modulate learners’ ability to generalize grammatical associations to new instances. This study investigates… read more
This chapter investigates the role of first language (L1) transfer, second language (L2) proficiency, and working memory (WM) on processing subject-verb number agreement in Spanish. Intermediate and advanced English and Romanian learners of Spanish and Spanish monolinguals completed a WM test and… read more
Sagarra, Nuria, Aurora Bel and Liliana Sánchez 2020 Chapter 7. Animacy hierarchy effects on L2 processing of Differential Object MarkingThe Acquisition of Differential Object Marking, Mardale, Alexandru and Silvina Montrul (eds.), pp. 183–206 | Chapter
Studies on L2 processing of Differential Object Marking (DOM) are scant and mostly focus on the animacy of the object. We investigated the interaction of three understudied factors in L1 and L2 processing of DOM: type of animacy (human vs. non-human animal), gender and number of the object… read more
Sagarra, Nuria, Liliana Sánchez and Aurora Bel 2019 Processing DOM in relative clauses: Salience and optionality in early and late bilingualsRepresentation and Processing in Bilingual Morphology, Austin, Jennifer R. (ed.), pp. 120–160 | Article
Early heritage bilinguals have been repeatedly found to differ from late bilinguals and from monolinguals (e.g., Montrul, 2008, 2011). In the realm of Spanish Differential Object Marking (DOM), both early heritage bilinguals (Montrul et al., 2015) and late bilinguals (e.g., Bowles & Montrul,… read more
We use visual-world eye-tracking and gating methods to investigate whether Spanish monolinguals and English late learners of Spanish use prosodic cues (lexical stress) to anticipate morphological information (suffixes) during spoken word recognition, and if they do, whether L2 proficiency and… read more
Comínguez, Juan P., Nuria Sagarra, Aurora Bel and Estela García-Alcaraz 2017 Chapter 12. The processing of intrasentential anaphoric subject pronouns in L2 SpanishRomance Languages and Linguistic Theory 11: Selected papers from the 44th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), London, Ontario, Perpiñán, Silvia, David Heap, Itziri Moreno-Villamar and Adriana Soto-Corominas (eds.), pp. 247–264 | Chapter
This paper examines whether L2 learners of Spanish can attain native-like interpretive and parsing patterns in intrasentential subject anaphor resolution, and the extent to which these patterns are modulated by L1 transfer. Adult advanced L2 learners of Spanish with different L1s (Moroccan Arabic,… read more
Sagarra, Nuria 2007 Online processing of gender agreement in low proficient English-Spanish late bilingualsRomance Linguistics 2006: Selected papers from the 36th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), New Brunswick, March-April 2006, Camacho, José, Nydia Flores-Ferrán, Liliana Sánchez, Viviane Déprez and María José Cabrera (eds.), pp. 241–254 | Article