Paul J. Thibault

List of John Benjamins publications for which Paul J. Thibault plays a role.



Language and Interaction: Discussions with John J. Gumperz

Edited by Susan L. Eerdmans, Carlo L. Prevignano and Paul J. Thibault

[Not in series, 117] 2003. xii, 171 pp.
Subjects Communication Studies | Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology | Theoretical linguistics

Discussing Conversation Analysis: The work of Emanuel A. Schegloff

Edited by Carlo L. Prevignano and Paul J. Thibault

[Not in series, 118] 2003. xiv, 192 pp.
Subjects Communication Studies | Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology | Theoretical linguistics
In this paper, I re-examine the notion of ‘clause-as-representation’ in Michael Halliday’s systemic functional theory of language. I argue that ‘representation’ is a mode of linguistic action that cannot be understood in terms of the experiential metafunction alone. Instead, a theoretical… read more
The experience of hearing one’s own voice during the act of speaking is a form of self-awareness and self-reflection that occurs in relation to and in interaction with the flow of experience, including the experience of other selves and their voices. Self-communication is deeply implicated in… read more
Stuart, Susan and Paul J. Thibault 2015 Enkinaesthetic polyphony: The underpinning for first-order languagingEmotion in Language: Theory – research – application, Lüdtke, Ulrike M. (ed.), pp. 113–134 | Article
We contest two claims: (1) that language, understood as the processing of abstract symbolic forms, is an instrument of cognition and rational thought, and (2) that conventional notions of turn-taking, exchange structure, and move analysis, are satisfactory as a basis for theorizing communication… read more
Prevignano, Carlo L. and Paul J. Thibault 2003 10. Continuing the discussion with John J. GumperzLanguage and Interaction: Discussions with John J. Gumperz, Eerdmans, Susan L., Carlo L. Prevignano and Paul J. Thibault (eds.), pp. 149–161 | Chapter
Prevignano, Carlo L. and Paul J. Thibault 2003 9. Continuing the interview with Emanuel A. SchegloffDiscussing Conversation Analysis: The work of Emanuel A. Schegloff, Prevignano, Carlo L. and Paul J. Thibault (eds.), pp. 165–171 | Chapter
Thibault, Paul J. 2003 4. Contextualization and social meaning-making practicesLanguage and Interaction: Discussions with John J. Gumperz, Eerdmans, Susan L., Carlo L. Prevignano and Paul J. Thibault (eds.), pp. 41–61 | Chapter
Thibault, Paul J. 1995 2. Mood and the Ecosocial dynamics of semiotic exchangeOn Subject and Theme: A discourse functional perspective, Hasan, Ruqaiya † and Peter H. Fries (eds.), pp. 51–90 | Article
Sankoff, David, Henrietta J. Cedergren, W. Kemp, Paul J. Thibault and Diane Vincent 1989 Montreal French: Language, class and ideologyLanguage Change and Variation, Fasold, Ralph W. and Deborah Schiffrin (eds.), pp. 107–118 | Article
Thibault, Paul J. 1987 4. An Interview with Michael HallidayLanguage Topics: Essays in honour of Michael Halliday, Steele, Ross and Terry Threadgold (eds.), pp. 601–628 | Section header
Thibault, Paul J. 1987 4. An Interview with Michael HallidayLanguage Topics: Essays in honour of Michael Halliday, Steele, Ross and Terry Threadgold (eds.), pp. 601–628 | Article