Agnete Nesse

List of John Benjamins publications for which Agnete Nesse plays a role.


Nesse, Agnete 2012 Four languages, one text type: The neighbours’ books of Bryggen 1529–1936Language Contact and Development around the North Sea, Stenroos, Merja, Martti Mäkinen and Inge Særheim (eds.), pp. 81–98 | Article
The present chapter discusses bilingualism and language shifts in Bergen, Norway, by analysing one specific text type: the neighbours’ books of Bryggen, produced in the period 1529–1936. The examples of language shifts found in these books are analysed and discussed with regard to types of… read more
Nesse, Agnete 2003 Written and spoken languages in Bergen in the Hanse eraAspects of Multilingualism in European Language History, Braunmüller, Kurt and Gisella Ferraresi (eds.), pp. 61–84 | Article