Bruce L. Derwing

List of John Benjamins publications for which Bruce L. Derwing plays a role.



Experimental Linguistics: Integration of theories and applications

Edited by Gary D. Prideaux, Bruce L. Derwing and Will Baker

Subjects Phonology | Psycholinguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Derwing, Bruce L. and David Eddington 2014 The experimental investigation of syllable structureWords & Constructions: Language complexity in linguistics and psychology, Järvikivi, Juhani, Pirita Pyykkönen-Klauck and Matti Laine (eds.), pp. 170–195 | Article
This paper is a selective state-of-the-art report on a variety of issues related to the adoption of experimental methods to the study of syllable structure. The rationale for an experimental approach is presented in the first section, followed by a brief section on of some of the main theoretical… read more
Derwing, Bruce L., Dilworth B. Parkinson and Richard A. Beinert 1995 Experimental investigations of Arabic Syllable StructurePerspectives on Arabic Linguistics: Papers from the Annual Symposium on Arabic Linguistics, Eid, Mushira (ed.), pp. 107 ff. | Article
Derwing, Bruce L. and Royal Skousen 1994 Productivity and the English Past Tense: Testing Skousen's Analogy ModelThe Reality of Linguistic Rules, Lima, Susan D., Roberta Corrigan and Gregory Iverson, pp. 193 ff. | Article
Derwing, Bruce L. 1992 Orthographic aspects of linguistic competenceThe Linguistics of Literacy, Downing, Pamela A., Susan D. Lima and Michael Noonan (eds.), pp. 193 ff. | Article
Dow, M. and Bruce L. Derwing 1989 Experimental evidence for syllable-internal structureLinguistic Categorization: Proceedings of an International Symposium in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, April 10–11, 1987, Corrigan, Roberta, Fred Eckman and Michael Noonan (eds.), pp. 81–91 | Article
Derwing, Bruce L., Tom M.S. Priestly and Bernard L. Rochet 1987 The Description of Spelling-to-Sound Relationships in English, French, and Russian: Progress, Problems, and ProspectsOrthography and Phonology, Luelsdorff, Philip A. (ed.), pp. 31 ff. | Article
Derwing, Bruce L. and Peter R. Harris 1975 What is a generative grammarThe Transformational-Generative Paradigm and Modern Linguistic Theory, Koerner, E.F.K. † (ed.), pp. 297 ff. | Article