Morten H. Christiansen

List of John Benjamins publications for which Morten H. Christiansen plays a role.

Book series

Onnis, Luca, Arnaud Destrebecqz, Morten H. Christiansen, Nick Chater and Axel Cleeremans 2015 Implicit learning of non-adjacent dependencies: A graded, associative accountImplicit and Explicit Learning of Languages, Rebuschat, Patrick (ed.), pp. 213–246 | Article
Language and other higher-cognitive functions require structured sequential behavior including non-adjacent relations. A fundamental question in cognitive science is what computational machinery can support both the learning and representation of such non-adjacencies, and what properties of the… read more
McCauley, Stewart M. and Morten H. Christiansen 2014 Acquiring formulaic language: A computational modelBridging the Methodological Divide: Linguistic and psycholinguistic approaches to formulaic language, Wulff, Stefanie and Debra Titone (eds.), pp. 419–436 | Article
In recent years, psycholinguistic studies have built support for the notion that formulaic language is more widespread and pervasive in adult sentence processing than previously assumed. These findings are mirrored in a number of developmental studies, suggesting that children’s item-based units do… read more
Christiansen, Morten H. 2013 Modeling cultural evolution: Language acquisition as multiple-cue integrationNew Perspectives on the Origins of Language, Lefebvre, Claire, Bernard Comrie and Henri Cohen (eds.), pp. 487–504 | Article
Computational and mathematical modeling has revealed that cultural evolution may have played a key role in the evolution of language. In this chapter, I explore the hypothesis that processes of cultural transmission have to a large extent shaped language to fit domain-general constraints deriving… read more
Monaghan, Padraic, Morten H. Christiansen, Thomas A. Farmer and Stanka A. Fitneva 2012 Measures of phonological typicality: Robust coherence and psychological validityMethodological and Analytic Frontiers in Lexical Research, Libben, Gary, Gonia Jarema and Chris Westbury (eds.), pp. 13–31 | Article
Phonological Typicality (PT) is a measure of the extent to which a word’s phonology is typical of other words in the lexical category to which it belongs. There is a general coherence among words from the same category in terms of speech sounds, and we have found that words that are phonologically… read more
Fitz, Hartmut, Franklin Chang and Morten H. Christiansen 2011 Chapter 2. A connectionist account of the acquisition and processing of relative clausesThe Acquisition of Relative Clauses: Processing, typology and function, Kidd, Evan (ed.), pp. 39–60 | Article
Relative clause processing depends on the grammatical role of the head noun in the subordinate clause. This has traditionally been explained in terms of cognitive limitations. We suggest that structure-related processing differences arise from differences in experience with these structures. We… read more
Misyak, Jennifer B. and Morten H. Christiansen 2011 Genetic variation and individual differences in languageExperience, Variation and Generalization: Learning a first language, Arnon, Inbal and Eve V. Clark (eds.), pp. 223–238 | Article
Drawing upon recent conceptual and analytical trends in molecular genetics, this chapter explores how molecular genetics might be used to elucidate language differences in normally developing individuals, including variation in linguistic generalization skills. We propose an endophenotype approach,… read more
Monaghan, Padraic, Morten H. Christiansen, Thomas A. Farmer and Stanka A. Fitneva 2010 Measures of phonological typicality: Robust coherence and psychological validityMethodological and Analytic Frontiers in Lexical Research (Part I), Jarema, Gonia, Gary Libben and Chris Westbury (eds.), pp. 281–299 | Article
Phonological Typicality (PT) is a measure of the extent to which a word’s phonology is typical of other words in the lexical category to which it belongs. There is a general coherence among words from the same category in terms of speech sounds, and we have found that words that are phonologically… read more
It is widely assumed that language in some form or other originated by piggybacking on pre-existing learning mechanism not dedicated to language. Using evolutionary connectionist simulations, we explore the implications of such assumptions by determining the effect of constraints derived from an… read more
Monaghan, Padraic and Morten H. Christiansen 2008 Integration of multiple probabilistic cues in syntax acquisitionCorpora in Language Acquisition Research: History, methods, perspectives, Behrens, Heike (ed.), pp. 139–163 | Article