Marc Pierce
List of John Benjamins publications for which Marc Pierce plays a role.
Review of Kroonen (2013): Etymological dictionary of Proto-Germanic Diachronica 33:1, pp. 144–149 | Review
2016 The History of Front Rounded Vowels in New Braunfels German Germanic Heritage Languages in North America: Acquisition, attrition and change, Johannessen, Janne Bondi † and Joseph C. Salmons (eds.), pp. 117–132 | Article
2015 While earlier studies of New Braunfels German (NBG), a dialect of Texas German (TxG), e.g., Eikel (1954, 1966b) and Gilbert (1972), report the existence of front rounded vowels to various degrees, they are almost completely absent from present-day NBG (Boas 2009). This paper describes the history… read more
Lexical developments in Texas German Studies on German-Language Islands, Putnam, Michael T. (ed.), pp. 129–150 | Article
2011 This paper offers new insights into on-going research on lexical borrowing in language contact situations by presenting a typology of lexical borrowings in Texas German (TxG), a critically endangered dialect that will go extinct within the next 30 years. We show that the lexicon of TxG has not… read more