Christopher S. Henshilwood

List of John Benjamins publications for which Christopher S. Henshilwood plays a role.


Homo Symbolicus: The dawn of language, imagination and spirituality

Edited by Christopher S. Henshilwood and Francesco d'Errico

[Not in series, 168] 2011. xi, 237 pp.
Subjects Anthropological Linguistics | Anthropology | Cognition and language | Evolution of language


Dubreuil, Benoît and Christopher S. Henshilwood 2013 Material culture and languageNew Perspectives on the Origins of Language, Lefebvre, Claire, Bernard Comrie and Henri Cohen (eds.), pp. 147–170 | Article
Archeology is one of the few disciplines likely to provide hints about when the faculty of language evolved in the human lineage. Nevertheless, what can be inferred from the material culture and bony remains of our ancestors is still disputed. This chapter focuses on one debate that has received… read more
Henshilwood, Christopher S. and Francesco d'Errico 2011 Chapter 4. Middle Stone Age engravings and their significance to the debate on the emergence of symbolic material cultureHomo Symbolicus: The dawn of language, imagination and spirituality, Henshilwood, Christopher S. and Francesco d'Errico (eds.), pp. 75–96 | Article
Archaeological evidence associated with modern cognitive abilities provides important insights into when and where modern human behaviour emerged. Modern human behaviour here means the thoughts and actions spontaneously shaped by minds equivalent to those of Homo sapiens today. Key among these is… read more
d'Errico, Francesco and Christopher S. Henshilwood 2011 Chapter 3. The origin of symbolically mediated behaviour: From antagonistic scenarios to a unified research strategyHomo Symbolicus: The dawn of language, imagination and spirituality, Henshilwood, Christopher S. and Francesco d'Errico (eds.), pp. 49–74 | Article
The aim of this paper is to summarize what we do know about the origin of symbolic material cultures in Africa and Eurasia, and explore paths that could allow us to move from a situation in which the same evidence is accounted for by antagonistic scenarios to a research strategy that may produce,… read more
d'Errico, Francesco, Marian Vanhaeren, Christopher S. Henshilwood, Graeme Lawson, Bruno Maureille, Dominique Gambier, Anne-Marie Tillier, Marie Soressi and Karen van Niekerk 2009 From the origin of language to the diversification of languages: What can archaeology and palaeoanthropology say?Becoming Eloquent: Advances in the emergence of language, human cognition, and modern cultures, d'Errico, Francesco and Jean-Marie Hombert (eds.), pp. 13–68 | Article
In this paper we recall the arguments put forward in an attempt to link language origins and specific elements of the fossil record (pigment use, burial practices, personal ornaments, production of depictions and carvings, musical traditions, various anatomical features), and summarise the… read more