Jacob L. Mey

List of John Benjamins publications for which Jacob L. Mey plays a role.

Book series


The Pragmatics of Adaptability

Edited by Daniel N. Silva and Jacob L. Mey

[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 319] 2021. vi, 358 pp.
Subjects Communication Studies | Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology

Cognition and Technology: Co-existence, convergence and co-evolution

Edited by Barbara Gorayska and Jacob L. Mey

[Not in series, 127] 2004. vi, 369 pp.
Subjects Anthropology | Cognitive linguistics | Cognitive psychology | Neurolinguistics | Philosophy | Pragmatics | Sociology

Political Discourse in Transition in Europe 1989–1991

Edited by Paul Chilton, Mikhail V. Ilyin and Jacob L. Mey

[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 36] 1998. xi, 272 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Semantics | Theoretical linguistics
Subjects Pragmatics
Mey, Jacob L. 2023 Activity types and pragmatic actsHandbook of Pragmatics: 26th Annual Installment, D’hondt, Sigurd, Pedro Gras, Mieke Vandenbroucke and Frank Brisard (eds.), pp. 3–20 | Chapter
Mey, Jacob L. 2022 Prologue: On the dangers of metaphoringDynamism in Metaphor and Beyond, Colston, Herbert L., Teenie Matlock and Gerard J. Steen (eds.), pp. 1–10 | Chapter
Mey, Jacob L. 2021 Chapter 1. Adaptability and truthThe Pragmatics of Adaptability, Silva, Daniel N. and Jacob L. Mey (eds.), pp. 27–36 | Chapter
Factual statements are supposed to be necessarily ‘true’, as opposed to people’s opinions. But what is often not taken into account is the fact that statements always are by a speaker whose relationship to the truth, or command of the facts may be less evident. In particular, leaning on an… read more
Mey, Jacob L. 2021 Chapter 1. Expanding pragmatics: Values, goals, ranking, and internet adaptabilityApproaches to Internet Pragmatics: Theory and practice, Xie, Chaoqun, Francisco Yus and Hartmut Haberland (eds.), pp. 27–45 | Chapter
A pragmatic (rather than merely ‘extended’) perspective on internet user values regards both the value(s) of the interaction and those of its results. Firstly, a pragmatic evaluation presupposes that the interactants are agreed on what to evaluate and how, which implies the values being ordered… read more
Silva, Daniel N. and Jacob L. Mey 2021 Introduction: The ability to form and transform in pragmaticsThe Pragmatics of Adaptability, Silva, Daniel N. and Jacob L. Mey (eds.), pp. 1–24 | Introduction
Mey, Jacob L. 2020 Indirectness and co-construction: A discourse-pragmatic viewThe Discourse of Indirectness: Cues, voices and functions, Livnat, Zohar, Pnina Shukrun-Nagar and Galia Hirsch (eds.), pp. 83–96 | Chapter
Indirectness in language can basically be understood in two different ways: on the one hand, there is the indirectness that is associated with the meaning (either literal or ‘indirect’) of the speaker’s words; on the other hand, we have the indirectness that is specific for the discourse,… read more
Mey, Jacob L. 2018 How social is the internet? A pragmatic viewInternet Pragmatics 1:1, pp. 13–28 | Article
To many, the collocation of the terms ‘internet’ and ‘social’ may seem a bit strange, even contradictory. Either the internet is by definition social, or it is, by observation and intuition, a rather anti-social affair. The article tries to dispel this ambiguity of attribution, by focusing on… read more
Mey, Jacob L. 2015 Sequentiality and follow-upsThe Dynamics of Political Discourse: Forms and functions of follow-ups, Fetzer, Anita, Elda Weizman and Lawrence N. Berlin (eds.), pp. 17–31 | Article
A pragmatic view of text production and consumption involves placing the text in a total world context. This context should not be seen as a static collocation of features or parameters; rather, it is a constantly evolving conglomerate of ever-changing conditions, both human and worldly. In… read more
Mey, Jacob L. 2012 The compleat angle on pragmatics: A personal notePragmaticizing Understanding: Studies for Jef Verschueren, Meeuwis, Michael and Jan-Ola Östman (eds.), pp. 213–218 | Article
Mey, Jacob L. 2011 Speech acts in contextContext and Contexts: Parts meet whole?, Fetzer, Anita and Etsuko Oishi (eds.), pp. 171–180 | Article
Some American linguist once said: ‘The text is all we have’. I would like to add that there is no text without context. With regard to speech acts, this idea is often encapsulated in the term ‘situated speech act’, in order to capture the notion that speech acts, in themselves, are not ‘real’: they… read more
Mey, Jacob L., Hartmut Haberland and Kerstin Fischer 2010 EditorialPragmatics and Society 1:1, pp. 1–8 | Article
Gorayska, Barbara and Jacob L. Mey 2004 Introduction: Pragmatics of TechnologyCognition and Technology: Co-existence, convergence and co-evolution, Gorayska, Barbara and Jacob L. Mey (eds.), pp. 1–22 | Miscellaneous
Gorayska, Barbara and Jacob L. Mey 2002 Introduction: Pragmatics of TechnologyInternational Journal of Cognition and Technology 1:1, pp. 1–20 | Miscellaneous
Mey, Jacob L. 1998 The Pragmatics of TransitionPolitical Discourse in Transition in Europe 1989–1991, Chilton, Paul, Mikhail V. Ilyin and Jacob L. Mey (eds.), pp. 25 ff. | Article
Mey, Jacob L. 1995 The Last of the Canterbury Tales: Artificial Intelligence in the Fith MillenniumPrague Linguistic Circle Papers: Travaux du cercle linguistique de Prague nouvelle série, Hajičová, Eva, Miroslav Červenka, Oldřich Leška † and Petr Sgall (eds.), pp. 261 ff. | Article
Mey, Jacob L. 1992 The Pragmatics of SemeiosisCurrent Advances in Semantic Theory, Stamenov, Maxim I. (ed.), pp. 219 ff. | Article
Mey, Jacob L. 1991 Literacy: A Social SkillTowards a Critical Sociology of Reading Pedagogy: Papers of the XII World Congress on Reading, Baker, Carolyn and Allan Luke (eds.), pp. 83 ff. | Article
Mey, Jacob L. 1987 “Breaking the Seal of Time”: the pragmatics of poeticsLanguage Topics: Essays in honour of Michael Halliday, Steele, Ross and Terry Threadgold (eds.), pp. 281 ff. | Article
Mey, Jacob L. 1987 “Breaking the Seal of Time”: the pragmatics of poeticsLanguage Topics: Essays in honour of Michael Halliday, Steele, Ross and Terry Threadgold (eds.), pp. 281 ff. | Article
Mey, Jacob L. 1986 “PSG” Pas si graveLanguage and Discourse: Test and Protest, Mey, Jacob L. (ed.), pp. 3 ff. | Article