Glyn Hicks

List of John Benjamins publications for which Glyn Hicks plays a role.


Morphology and its Interfaces

Edited by Alexandra Galani, Glyn Hicks and George Tsoulas

[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 178] 2011. ix, 353 pp.
Subjects Morphology | Theoretical linguistics
Subjects English linguistics | Generative linguistics | Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Domínguez, Laura and Glyn Hicks 2016 Synchronic change in a multidialectal Spanish community: Evidence from null and postverbal subjectsInquiries in Hispanic Linguistics: From theory to empirical evidence, Cuza, Alejandro, Lori Czerwionka and Daniel Olson (eds.), pp. 53–72 | Article
Recent developments in linguistic theory have successfully reconciled diachronic syntactic change (Biberauer & Roberts, 2006; Breibarth, Lucas, & Willis, 2008; Roberts, 2007) and intra-speaker variation (Adger & Smith, 2005, 2010; Henry, 1995; Barbiers, 2005) with Minimalist models of the language… read more
Hicks, Glyn 2012 Cross-Germanic variation in binding Condition BComparative Germanic Syntax: The state of the art, Ackema, Peter, Rhona Alcorn, Caroline Heycock, Dany Jaspers, Jeroen van Craenenbroeck and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd (eds.), pp. 169–198 | Article
This paper offers explanations for apparent variation in the effects of Binding Condition B across English, Dutch, Frisian, Norwegian, Danish, and Icelandic. Three very different factors that influence binding possibilities for pronouns across these languages are identified: language-specific… read more
Galani, Alexandra, Glyn Hicks and George Tsoulas 2011 Introduction: Morphology and its interfacesMorphology and its Interfaces, Galani, Alexandra, Glyn Hicks and George Tsoulas (eds.), pp. 1–18 | Article