Zhengjun Lin

List of John Benjamins publications for which Zhengjun Lin plays a role.

This paper studies the orientational metaphor of zhōng (中, ‘middle’) and its cultural values behind this metaphor in Chinese Traditional Classic The Doctrine of Mean. It is found that there are three metaphorical meanings for the orientational metaphor of zhōng (中, ‘middle’), including “an… read more
This paper aims to investigate the meanings of Chinese neng (modal verb) bu (negative word) neng (modal verb) + VP construction and explores the meaning motivations behind them. The present paper employs the method of collostructional analysis, R software and BLCU Corpus Center (BCC) are used to… read more
COVID-19 poses a threat to social stability globally, which requires efficacious governance and public cooperation. To handle the COVID-19 pandemic, the Chinese national news media have mobilized the public to identify and collaborate with the nation. This paper investigates how war, chess, and… read more
This paper studies the extension of conventional meanings of Chinese FACE expressions in their collocations as well as the collocations themselves through metonymy and metaphor. The data with five FACE expressions included are sampled from the corpus of Center for Chinese Linguistics at Peking… read more
Zhang, Cun and Zhengjun Lin 2020 David Block (2019) Post-Truth and Political DiscourseMedia, Migration and Human Rights: Discourse and Resistance in the Context of the Erosion of Liberal Norms, Balabanova, Ekaterina and Ruxandra Trandafoiu (eds.), pp. 555–558 | Review