Philip Durrant

List of John Benjamins publications for which Philip Durrant plays a role.



Research Methods in Vocabulary Studies

Philip Durrant, Anna Siyanova-Chanturia, Benjamin Kremmel and Suhad Sonbul

Subjects Applied linguistics | Language acquisition | Language teaching
Durrant, Philip, Joseph Moxley and Lee McCallum 2019 Vocabulary sophistication in First-Year Composition assignmentsInternational Journal of Corpus Linguistics 24:1, pp. 33–66 | Article
Recently-developed tools which quickly and reliably quantify vocabulary use on a range of measures open up new possibilities for understanding the construct of vocabulary sophistication. To take this work forward, we need to understand how these different measures relate to each other and to… read more
Tests of second language learners’ knowledge of collocation have lacked a principled strategy for item selection, making claims about learners’ knowledge beyond the particular collocations tested difficult to evaluate. Corpus frequency may offer a good basis for item selection, if a reliable… read more
Durrant, Philip 2007 Nadja Nesselhauf. Collocations in a learner corpus.Functions of Language 14:2, pp. 251–261 | Miscellaneous
This paper tests three hypotheses about written vocabulary in child L2 English. Specifically, as children mature, (1) the mean frequency values of the nouns they use increase; (2) the mean frequencies of other parts-of-speech decrease; (3) the use of academic vocabulary increases only in certain… read more