Meghan E. Armstrong

List of John Benjamins publications for which Meghan E. Armstrong plays a role.


Intonational Grammar in Ibero-Romance: Approaches across linguistic subfields

Edited by Meghan E. Armstrong, Nicholas Henriksen and Maria del Mar Vanrell

Subjects Phonetics | Pragmatics | Romance linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Armstrong, Meghan E. and Iris Hübscher 2018 Chapter 14. Children’s development of internal state prosodyThe Development of Prosody in First Language Acquisition, Prieto, Pilar and Núria Esteve-Gibert (eds.), pp. 271–293 | Chapter
Infants have access to the prosodic aspects of their ambient language even prior to birth, but many aspects of prosody are produced and comprehended well after infancy. One of these aspects includes prosody related to internal states such as beliefs, desires, feelings and emotions. In this chapter,… read more
Sánchez-Alvarado, Covadonga, Alba Arias Alvarez, Eduardo García-Fernández, Isaac McAlister and Meghan E. Armstrong 2018 Chapter 13. Mothers’ use of F0 after the first year of life in American English and Peninsular SpanishContemporary Trends in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics: Selected papers from the Hispanic Linguistic Symposium 2015, MacDonald, Jonathan E. (ed.), pp. 281–308 | Chapter
Infant-directed speech has been shown to be different from adult-directed speech in that it is generally characterized by short, acoustically exaggerated (e.g. higher F0 peaks, wider F0 range) utterances (Fernald et al., 1989; Kitamura et al., 2001, inter alia). Thus, at some point parents begin to… read more
Armstrong, Meghan E., Nicholas Henriksen and Maria del Mar Vanrell 2016 Introduction: Intonational grammar in Ibero-RomanceIntonational Grammar in Ibero-Romance: Approaches across linguistic subfields, Armstrong, Meghan E., Nicholas Henriksen and Maria del Mar Vanrell (eds.), pp. vii–xii | Article
Henriksen, Nicholas, Meghan E. Armstrong and Lorenzo García-Amaya 2016 The intonational meaning of polar questions in Manchego Spanish spontaneous speechIntonational Grammar in Ibero-Romance: Approaches across linguistic subfields, Armstrong, Meghan E., Nicholas Henriksen and Maria del Mar Vanrell (eds.), pp. 181–206 | Article
Previous work on Spanish intonation has not sufficiently addressed the formmeaning patterns that govern pragmatic use in spontaneous interaction. This study is an initial attempt to examine the pragmatic use of polar question intonation in Manchego Spanish conversational speech. First, we document… read more
Armstrong, Meghan E., Nicholas Henriksen and Christian DiCanio 2015 Sociophonetic analysis of young Peninsular Spanish women’s voice qualityHispanic Linguistics at the Crossroads: Theoretical linguistics, language acquisition and language contact, Klassen, Rachel, Juana M. Liceras and Elena Valenzuela (eds.), pp. 293–312 | Article
In the speech of certain female speakers of Peninsular Spanish (PS) one observes the use of hoarse voice, a salient non-modal phonation type. In this paper, we examined its phonetic correlates and social meaning. Among women who have hoarse voice, significantly lower H1-H2 values were found than… read more
Armstrong, Meghan E. and Marisa Cruz 2014 The intonational phonology of Peninsular Spanish and European PortuguesePortuguese-Spanish Interfaces: Diachrony, synchrony, and contact, Amaral, Patrícia and Ana Maria Carvalho (eds.), pp. 151–174 | Article
The study of Spanish and Portuguese intonation within the Autosegmental Metrical (AM) framework has developed substantially over the past 30 years, and recent applications of common methodology make comparative studies more feasible. Here we compare the intonational systems of Peninsular Spanish… read more