Pedro Gras

List of John Benjamins publications for which Pedro Gras plays a role.

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Handbook of Pragmatics: 26th Annual Installment

Edited by Sigurd D’hondt, Pedro Gras, Mieke Vandenbroucke and Frank Brisard

[Handbook of Pragmatics, 26] 2023. xiii, 187 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics

Handbook of Pragmatics: 25th Annual Installment

Edited by Frank Brisard, Sigurd D’hondt, Pedro Gras and Mieke Vandenbroucke

[Handbook of Pragmatics, 25] 2022. xiii, 256 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics
Gras, Pedro, Sofía Pérez Fernández and Frank Brisard 2023 Chapter 8. Quotative que constructions in Spanish: A constructional variational approachConstructions in Spanish, Hennecke, Inga and Evelyn Wiesinger (eds.), pp. 193–223 | Chapter
Construction Grammar is a theoretical approach amenable to accommodating any conventional feature of the meaning or form of a construction as part of its description, including lectal information. This paper provides a constructional analysis of the quotative que construction in… read more
Este trabajo analiza los rasgos prosódicos de construcciones independientes introducidas por a ver si a partir de muestras orales procedentes de dos corpus de español coloquial peninsular: el corpus Val.Es.Co. (Briz Gómez 2002; Cabedo y Pons 2013) y el corpus COLA de Madrid (Jorgensen 2007).… read more
This paper offers an analysis of insubordinate subjunctive complement clauses (ISCs) in Spanish and aims to contribute to the general debate in Construction Grammar on how to deal with a highly pragmatically specified surface form that expresses several meanings. We explore whether the meanings… read more
Gras, Pedro 2016 Chapter 5. Revisiting the functional typology of insubordination: Insubordinate que-constructions in Spanish*Insubordination, Evans, Nicholas and Honoré Watanabe (eds.), pp. 113–144 | Article
The aim of this chapter is to discuss the functional typology of insubordination in the light of Spanish data. The empirical focus is on the functional load of que-initial sentences, which are the most frequent insubordinate constructions in Peninsular Spanish. Que-initial sentences can display… read more