Roberta Colonna Dahlman
List of John Benjamins publications for which Roberta Colonna Dahlman plays a role.
Narrazione dell’abbandono tra letteratura e cinema Revue Romane 51:1, pp. 125–146 | Article
2016 This paper aims at offering a comparative analysis of the narrator in the novel I giorni dell’abbandono (2002) by the Italian writer Elena Ferrante, and the narrator in the cinematographic version of the same work I giorni dell’abbandono (2005), directed by Roberto Faenza. The paper focuses on… read more
Attrition at the interfaces in bilectal acquisition (Italian/Gallipolino) Theoretical Approaches to Linguistic Variation, Bidese, Ermenegildo, Federica Cognola and Manuela Caterina Moroni (eds.), pp. 295–316 | Article
2016 The aim of this study is to investigate whether native speakers of Gallipolino, bilectals who have acquired Gallipolino as L1 (together with standard Italian) in their childhood, who have left Gallipoli after puberty and currently use standard Italian as their primary language, display effects of… read more