Construction grammar – most notably Cognitive Construction Grammar (Goldberg 2006), Radical Construction Grammar (Croft 2001) and Cognitive Grammar (Langacker 2008) – has been extremely inspiring in providing tools for modelling gradience in variation and change. Verbal constructions have been… read more
This paper deals with different types of verbal complementation of the German verb verdienen. It focuses on constructions that have been undergoing a grammaticalization process and thus express deontic modality, as in Sie verdient geliebt zu werden (ʽShe deserves to be lovedʼ) and Sie verdient… read more
This paper investigates synchronic variation in the lexical and grammatical environments of the German lexical verb verdienen ‘earn’, ‘deserve’. In its lexical uses, verdienen co-occurs with an object noun phrase whose head is either concrete (e.g. Geld ‘money’) or, more commonly, abstract (e.g.… read more
Based on Diewald (2009, 2015a, 2017), it is claimed that the notion of paradigm needs to be introduced into constructional accounts, as otherwise the essence of grammaticalization cannot be properly captured in construction grammar. It is suggested to define grammatical paradigms as a new node… read more
This squib discusses the question whether Construction Grammar can account for the assumption of universal grammatical categories (Bybee, Perkins, and Pagliuca 1994) that are prone to language change, e.g. tense. Most publications in Construction Grammar tackle individual constructions, such as… read more
Cross-linguistic diachronic studies have focused on the parallel or divergent development of cognate or functionally equivalent items. This paper traces the diachronic convergent development of two unrelated items by means of a case study, the development of the German verb scheinen ‘shine, emit… read more
This paper presents a format for a cross-linguistic, corpus-based description of the formal features and the function of modal particles (hereafter: abbreviated as MPs) and their equivalents in German, Croatian and English. We define the word category of MPs for the Croatian language and propose… read more
The distribution and frequency of individual heterosemes of a hyperlemma in basic communicative types, which are distinguished according to their primary expression of dialogicity (i.e. their factual communicative immediacy/distance), is shown to be dependent on the interplay of i) the heteroseme’s… read more
This paper is a comparative corpus-based study of constructions that had the potential of marking future events in Old High German (OHG) and Old English (OE), i.e. modal constructions and those with be/become-verbs. Given the fact that both languages stem from a common source and probably had… read more
In this paper, we propose a ‘constructionist’ scenario of grammaticalization that links successive diachronic stages of a grammaticalization process with particular construction types. Relying on earlier work, especially on the model of relevant context types in grammaticalization proposed in… read more
In the past, three central problems were discussed in grammaticalization studies. First, the discrimination and isolation of distinctive features of the process of grammaticalization, second, the question of distinct formal expression, i.e. what counts as an explicitly expressed grammatical… read more
Abstract. The scmanlic relations and oppositions between the German modals and their various uses are treated here as instantiations of a common semantic template, which is described as a complex and condensed relational structure between a modal source, path, and goal. The different readings of a… read more