Gert-Jan van Dijk

List of John Benjamins publications for which Gert-Jan van Dijk plays a role.

Dijk, Gert-Jan van 2023 Fabula Aesopici canis: Allusions to fables in Graeco-Latin literatureReinardus: Yearbook of the International Reynard Society, Trachsler, Richard and Baudouin Van den Abeele (eds.), pp. 190–209 | Article
Fables usually appear either assembled in fable collections or as exempla in other literary genres. In many cases, especially if the fable is well-known, there is no need to retell the full version of it and a short allusion will be sufficient for the reader to recognize the fable. This… read more
Dijk, Gert-Jan van 2015 Von Apollo bis Zeus: Ein kommentiertes Fundstellenregister zu Göttern in der griechisch-römischen Fabel*Reinardus: Yearbook of the International Reynard Society, Trachsler, Richard and Baudouin Van den Abeele (eds.), pp. 206–219 | Article
Neben sprechenden Tieren, Pflanzen und Sachen begegnen in den antiken und mittelalterlichen Fabelsammlungen – und noch in den späteren, wie zum Beispiel der des Jean de La Fontaine – auch viele Geschichten mit Göttern und Menschen. Der vorliegende Beitrag will die Texte des griechischrömischen… read more
Dijk, Gert-Jan van 2011 The rhetorical fable collection of Aphthonius and the relation between theory and practiceReinardus: Yearbook of the International Reynard Society, Trachsler, Richard, Baudouin Van den Abeele and Paul Wackers (eds.), pp. 186–204 | Article
This paper focuses on a Greek prose fable collection by the rhetorician Apthonius, comprising 40 fables. There are some entirely new fables, whereas others present variations of older fables. We might distinguish simplifications, contaminations, fabulizations (creating fables out of heterogeneous… read more
Abstract This paper aims, in general, at drawing attention to the many fables not included in fable collections. It focuses, more particularly, on the fables which can be found throughout Archaic, Classical, and Hellenistic Greek literature, predating the extant ancient fable collections. Some of… read more
Dijk, Gert-Jan van 1996 The (Pseudo-) Ignatius Tetrastichs: Byzantine Fables "D'une élégance laconique"Reinardus: Yearbook of the International Reynard Society, Levy, Brian J. and Paul Wackers (eds.), pp. 161–178 | Article
Abstract This article focuses on one of the sources used by Jean de La Fontaine, viz. a collection of Byzantine fable quatrains. The first part discusses the problematic attribution of their authorship. They were certainly not written by Babrius, as many (including La Fontaine) believed, but,… read more
Dijk, Gert-Jan van 1995 The Fables in the Greek Life of AesopReinardus: Yearbook of the International Reynard Society, Levy, Brian J. and Paul Wackers (eds.), pp. 131–150 | Article
Dijk, Gert-Jan van 1993 Theory and Terminology of the Greek FableReinardus: Yearbook of the International Reynard Society, Levy, Brian J. and Paul Wackers (eds.), pp. 171–183 | Article