R.M.W. Dixon

List of John Benjamins publications for which R.M.W. Dixon plays a role.


Studies in Evidentiality

Edited by Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald and R.M.W. Dixon

[Typological Studies in Language, 54] 2003. xiv, 349 pp.
Subjects Semantics | Typology

Non-canonical Marking of Subjects and Objects

Edited by Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald, R.M.W. Dixon and Masayuki Onishi

[Typological Studies in Language, 46] 2001. xii, 364 pp.
Subjects Semantics | Syntax | Typology

Handbook of Australian Languages: Volume 3

Edited by R.M.W. Dixon and Barry J. Blake

[Not in series, HAL 3] 1983. xxiv, 531 pp. + 5 maps
Subjects Australian languages

Handbook of Australian Languages: Volume 2

Edited by R.M.W. Dixon and Barry J. Blake

[Not in series, HAL 2] 1981. xxiv, 427pp. + 6 maps
Subjects Australian languages

Handbook of Australian Languages: 3 Volumes (set)

Edited by R.M.W. Dixon and Barry J. Blake

[Not in series, HAL S] 1979. V.1: 1979, xiv, 392pp. + 4 maps; V.2: 1981, xxiv, 427pp. + 6 maps; V.3: 1983, xxiv, 531 pp. + 5 maps
Subjects Australian languages

Handbook of Australian Languages: Volume 1

Edited by R.M.W. Dixon and Barry J. Blake

[Not in series, HAL 1] 1979. xviii, 390 pp. 4 maps
Subjects Australian languages
A typology of comparative constructions is presented, with major attention to the prototypical scheme in which two participants are compared in terms of the degree of some gradable property associated with them (as in John is more handsome than Felix). In a mono-clausal comparative construction,… read more
Dixon, R.M.W. 2007 Roman Jakobson and the two-dollar billsHistoriographia Linguistica 34:2/3, pp. 435–440 | Miscellaneous
Dixon, R.M.W. 2003 7. Evidentiality in JarawaraStudies in Evidentiality, Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y. and R.M.W. Dixon (eds.), pp. 165–187 | Chapter
Dixon, R.M.W. 2003 Demonstratives: A cross-linguistic typologyStudies in Language 27:1, pp. 61–112 | Article
A typology is presented of parameters of variation associated with three main types of demonstratives: nominal (corresponding to demonstrative pronouns and demonstrative adjectives in traditional terminology), local adverbial and verbal. The paper surveys their basis characteristics; forms… read more
Monserrat, Ruth and R.M.W. Dixon 2003 10. Evidentiality in MỹkyStudies in Evidentiality, Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y. and R.M.W. Dixon (eds.), pp. 237–241 | Chapter
Summary Jarawara (from the small Arawá family in southern Amazonia) has a system of eleven tense-modal suffixes, which show irregular form; each consists of an initial part (of form -hV-) and a final part of one or two syllables; both parts mark gender of the pivot argument in the clause. An… read more
Dixon, R.M.W. and Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald 1997 A Typology of Argument-Determined ConstructionsEssays on Language Function and Language Type: Dedicated to T. Givón, Bybee, Joan L., John Haiman and Sandra A. Thompson (eds.), pp. 71 ff. | Article
Dixon, R.M.W. 1982 Problems in dyirbal dialectologyLanguage Form and Linguistic Variation: Papers dedicated to Angus McIntosh, Anderson, John A.E. (ed.), pp. 43 ff. | Article
Crowley, Terry and R.M.W. Dixon 1981 TasmanianHandbook of Australian Languages: Volume 2, Dixon, R.M.W. and Barry J. Blake (eds.), pp. 419–445 | Article
Dixon, R.M.W. 1981 WargamayHandbook of Australian Languages: Volume 2, Dixon, R.M.W. and Barry J. Blake (eds.), pp. 25–170 | Article
Blake, Barry J. and R.M.W. Dixon 1979 IntroductionHandbook of Australian Languages: Volume 1, Dixon, R.M.W. and Barry J. Blake (eds.), pp. 19–44 | Article
Dixon, R.M.W. 1977 Where Have all the Adjectives Gone?*Studies in Language 1:1, pp. 19–80 | Article