Seran Doğançay-Aktuna

List of John Benjamins publications for which Seran Doğançay-Aktuna plays a role.

This paper overviews the ways in which EFL learners' pragmatic awareness can be developed in language classrooms through focused instruction and practice. It argues that effective communication requires awareness of the conventions governing language use and attention to the characteristics of the… read more
Doğançay-Aktuna, Seran and Sibel Kamışlı 2001 Linguistics of power and politeness in Turkish: Revelations from speech actsLinguistic Politeness Across Boundaries: The case of Greek and Turkish, Bayraktaroğlu, Arın and Maria Sifianou (eds.), pp. 75–104 | Article
ÖZET 60 Yil sonra Turk Dil Devrimi'nin bir Degerlendirmesi Bu makalenin amaci baslangicindan 60 yil sonra Turk Dil Devrimini incelemek ve Türk dilini ônemli olçüde gegi§tirip daha sonraki gelisimini etkileyen bu dil planlamasi olayinin guniimuzdeki etkilerini degerlendirmektir. Bu konuya yönelik… read more