Lisbeth A. Lipari

List of John Benjamins publications for which Lisbeth A. Lipari plays a role.


ISSN 2210-4119 | E-ISSN 2210-4127


Lipari, Lisbeth A. 2022 Dialogue and speech centricity in the public sphereWhen Dialogue Fails, Müller-Wood, Anja (ed.), pp. 130–149 | Article
This article examines how speech centric legal and public policy interpretations of the U.S. First Amendment – which guarantees constitutional protection for the freedoms of speech, press, religion, and assembly, from government constraint – tend to significantly impede democratic political… read more
Lipari, Lisbeth A. 2018 Humboldt, Bhartrihari, and the dialogicFrom Pragmatics to Dialogue, Weigand, Edda and István Kecskés (eds.), pp. 29–44 | Chapter
Drawing on the work of von Humboldt (1963, 1997, 1999) and the 5th century BCE Indian Grammarian Bhartrihari (1971), this essay sketches how dialogue is neither a special-use of language nor a specific mode of pragmatics, but forms instead the primordial character of all language. When the study of… read more
Lipari, Lisbeth A. 2017 The speech we do not speak: Dialogic mind, praxis, and ethicsDialogue and Ethics, Arnett, Ronald C. and François Cooren (eds.), pp. 45–62 | Article
This essay investigates three distinct modalities of the dialogic: dialogic mind, dialogic praxis, and dialogic ethics. Although each modality shares central dialogic characteristics of polyphony, polymodality, and polychronicity (Bakhtin, 1981, 1984, 1986; Lipari, 2014), each also differs in… read more