Susana Rivera-Mills

List of John Benjamins publications for which Susana Rivera-Mills plays a role.


Forms of Address in the Spanish of the Americas

Edited by María Irene Moyna and Susana Rivera-Mills

Subjects Morphology | Pragmatics | Romance linguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology

Spanish Maintenance and Loss in the U.S. Southwest

Edited by Daniel J. Villa and Susana Rivera-Mills

Special issue of Spanish in Context 6:1 (2009) 156 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Romance linguistics


Rivera-Mills, Susana 2016 Conclusion: Creating an ecology of forms of address: Building upon what we knowForms of Address in the Spanish of the Americas, Moyna, María Irene and Susana Rivera-Mills (eds.), pp. 335–340 | Article
Villa, Daniel J. and Susana Rivera-Mills 2009 An integrated multi-generational model for language maintenance and shift: The case of Spanish in the SouthwestSpanish Maintenance and Loss in the U.S. Southwest, Villa, Daniel J. and Susana Rivera-Mills (eds.), pp. 26–42 | Article
Many researchers investigating the maintenance and loss of non-English languages in the U.S. base their work on fairly homogeneous language groups, those who have immigrated here during a relatively restricted period of time. The European-origin migrations during the early decades of the twentieth… read more
Villa, Daniel J. and Susana Rivera-Mills 2009 Spanish maintenance and loss in the U.S. Southwest: History in the makingSpanish Maintenance and Loss in the U.S. Southwest, Villa, Daniel J. and Susana Rivera-Mills (eds.), pp. 1–5 | Article