Laura Collins

List of John Benjamins publications for which Laura Collins plays a role.

French, Leif Michael, Nancy Gagné and Laura Collins 2022 Long-term effects of intensive instruction on fluency, comprehensibility and accentednessThe Evolution of Pronunciation Teaching and Research: 25 years of intelligibility, comprehensibility, and accentedness, Levis, John M., Tracey M. Derwing and Murray J. Munro (eds.), pp. 103–124 | Chapter
We assessed the long-term effects of intensive instruction on different aspects of L2 oral production. Adopting the tridimensional model of oral production (Munro & Derwing, 1995a), we compared high school learners who had received intensive ESL instruction (N = 42) with non-intensive learners… read more
French, Leif Michael, Nancy Gagné and Laura Collins 2020 Long-term effects of intensive instruction on fluency, comprehensibility and accentedness25 years of Intelligibility, Comprehensibility and Accentedness, Levis, John M., Tracey M. Derwing and Murray J. Munro (eds.), pp. 380–401 | Article
We assessed the long-term effects of intensive instruction on different aspects of L2 oral production. Adopting the tridimensional model of oral production (Munro & Derwing, 1995a), we compared high school learners who had received intensive ESL instruction (N = 42) with non-intensive learners… read more
Observations of spontaneous language related episodes (LREs) in actual classrooms capture pedagogical behaviours that may affect the characteristics of LREs. In this study of 87 twelve-year old intermediate francophone EFL students in 3 intact classes, we examined the type, frequency, and… read more
Scholars advocate for more classroom attention to be paid to spoken grammar which deviates from commonly taught rules of writing. However, these recommendations have not considered potential barriers that learners may encounter when using spoken grammar with L1 speakers. We investigate one such… read more
Edwards, Roderick and Laura Collins 2013 Chapter 6. Modelling L2 vocabulary learningVocabulary Knowledge: Human ratings and automated measures, Jarvis, Scott and Michael Daller (eds.), pp. 157–184 | Chapter
In this paper we propose a frequency-based model of vocabulary acquisition and test it on texts written by second language (L2) writers of English. One goal of the paper is to address an issue that has arisen in previous work attempting to verify Laufer and Nation’s (1995) proposal for using… read more