Patrick Goethals
List of John Benjamins publications for which Patrick Goethals plays a role.
Intercultural guidance abroad: Impact on social network formation and L2 self-perceived development Study abroad and the Erasmus+ programme in Europe: Perspectives on language and intercultural learning, Devlin, Anne Marie (ed.), pp. 45–68 | Article
2020 Contemporary research on language and intercultural learning during study abroad programs has led scholars to challenge the immersion assumption and to argue the need for interventions that would deepen and extend the learning potential of this experience (Jackson, 2018). In an attempt to… read more
Corpus-Driven Hypothesis Generation in Translation Studies, Contrastive Linguistics and Text Linguistics: A Case Study of Demonstratives in Spanish and Dutch Parallel Texts The Study of Language and Translation, Vandeweghe, Willy, Sonia Vandepitte and Marc Van de Velde (eds.), pp. 87–103 | Article
2007 The conduit metaphor and the analysis of meaning: Peircean semiotics, cognitive grammar and systemic functional grammar Grammatical Metaphor: Views from systemic functional linguistics, Simon-Vandenbergen, Anne-Marie, Miriam Taverniers and Louise J. Ravelli (eds.), pp. 369–389 | Article