Henri de Jongste

List of John Benjamins publications for which Henri de Jongste plays a role.


Subjects Cognition and language | Communication Studies | Humor studies


Jongste, Henri de 2018 Mental models, humorous texts and humour evaluationIssues in Humour Cognition, Dynel, Marta (ed.), pp. 97–127 | Article
This paper investigates how a mental-model theory of communication can explain differences in humorous texts and how aesthetic criteria to evaluate humour are dependent on the way mental models are exploited. Humour is defined as the deliberate manipulation by speakers of their private mental… read more
Jongste, Henri de 2013 Negotiating humorous intentDevelopments in Linguistic Humour Theory, Dynel, Marta (ed.), pp. 179–210 | Article
In this chapter, it is argued that the negotiation of humorous intent takes place on the basis of cognitive, social and evaluative/emotional factors. Human communication is based on cooperative collaboration and this is grounded in a natural tendency for humans to be helpful, leading to mutual… read more