Olga Fischer

List of John Benjamins publications for which Olga Fischer plays a role.

Book series

Iconicity in Cognition and across Semiotic Systems

Edited by Sara Lenninger, Olga Fischer, Christina Ljungberg and Elżbieta Tabakowska

[Iconicity in Language and Literature, 18] 2022. x, 411 pp.
Subjects Semiotics | Theoretical linguistics | Theoretical literature & literary studies

Operationalizing Iconicity

Edited by Pamela Perniss, Olga Fischer and Christina Ljungberg

[Iconicity in Language and Literature, 17] 2020. xii, 331 pp.
Subjects Theoretical linguistics | Theoretical literature & literary studies

Dimensions of Iconicity

Edited by Angelika Zirker, Matthias Bauer, Olga Fischer and Christina Ljungberg

[Iconicity in Language and Literature, 15] 2017. xiv, 351 pp.
Subjects Semiotics | Theoretical linguistics | Theoretical literature & literary studies

Iconic Investigations

Edited by Lars Elleström, Olga Fischer and Christina Ljungberg

[Iconicity in Language and Literature, 12] 2013. x, 357 pp.
Subjects Semiotics | Theoretical linguistics | Theoretical literature & literary studies

Semblance and Signification

Edited by Pascal Michelucci, Olga Fischer and Christina Ljungberg

[Iconicity in Language and Literature, 10] 2011. xii, 427 pp.
Subjects Semiotics | Theoretical linguistics | Theoretical literature & literary studies


Edited by C. Jac Conradie, Ronél Johl, Marthinus Beukes, Olga Fischer and Christina Ljungberg

[Iconicity in Language and Literature, 9] 2010. x, 420 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Semiotics | Theoretical linguistics

Insistent Images

Edited by Elżbieta Tabakowska, Christina Ljungberg and Olga Fischer

[Iconicity in Language and Literature, 5] 2007. xiii, 361 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Syntax

Outside-In — Inside-Out

Edited by Costantino Maeder, Olga Fischer and William J. Herlofsky

[Iconicity in Language and Literature, 4] 2005. x, 427 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Syntax

Up and down the Cline – The Nature of Grammaticalization

Edited by Olga Fischer, Muriel Norde and Harry Perridon

[Typological Studies in Language, 59] 2004. viii, 406 pp.
Subjects Historical linguistics | Theoretical linguistics

From Sign to Signing

Wolfgang G. Müller and Olga Fischer

[Iconicity in Language and Literature, 3] 2003. xiv, 441 pp.
Subjects Cognitive linguistics | Discourse studies | Pragmatics

The Motivated Sign

Edited by Olga Fischer and Max Nänny

[Iconicity in Language and Literature, 2] 2001. xiv, 387 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Syntax

Pathways of Change: Grammaticalization in English

Edited by Olga Fischer, Anette Rosenbach and Dieter Stein

[Studies in Language Companion Series, 53] 2000. x, 391 pp.
Subjects English linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Historical linguistics

Form Miming Meaning

Edited by Max Nänny and Olga Fischer

[Iconicity in Language and Literature, 1] 1999. xxxvi, 443 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Semiotics | Syntax | Theoretical literature & literary studies

Explanation and Linguistic Change

Edited by Willem F. Koopman, Frederike van der Leek, Olga Fischer and Roger Eaton

[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 45] 1987. viii, 300 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Historical linguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology

Papers from the 4th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics, Amsterdam, April 10–13, 1985

Edited by Roger Eaton, Olga Fischer, Willem F. Koopman and Frederike van der Leek

[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 41] 1985. xvii, 341 pp.
Subjects English linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Historical linguistics
This paper investigates and surveys the role played by analogy in language learning and processing, and its position in models of change such as grammaticalization and diachronic construction grammar. I will illustrate the importance of analogy by looking at Hermann Paul’s Prinzipien der… read more
Cohen, Imogen and Olga Fischer 2015 Iconicity in translation: Two passages from a novel by Tobias HillIconicity: East meets West, Hiraga, Masako K., William J. Herlofsky, Kazuko Shinohara and Kimi Akita (eds.), pp. 163–184 | Article
This article reports on a workshop in which translators explored how particular iconic features present in a literary text might be translated into another language. In advance of the workshop the participants translated two short passages from Tobias Hill’s novel The Hidden into (mostly) their own… read more
This paper assumes that in order to explain rather than describe language change, historical linguists should not only consider what happens diachronically at the language output level but also, crucially, what speaker-listeners do at the processing level. The reason for this is that the structure… read more
This paper assumes that in order to explain rather than describe language change, historical linguists should not only consider what happens diachronically at the language output level but also, crucially, what speaker-listeners do at the processing level. The reason for this is that the structure… read more
Fischer, Olga 2011 Cognitive iconic grounding of reduplication in languageSemblance and Signification, Michelucci, Pascal, Olga Fischer and Christina Ljungberg (eds.), pp. 55–82 | Article
My aim in this paper will be to find out to what extent opaque reduplications could also be said to be (or to have been) motivated (i.e. forming iconic signs), with the further aim of exploring the possibility of a common source for all reduplicated forms. I will show by referring to the way… read more
Fischer, Olga 2010 An analogical approach to grammaticalizationGrammaticalization: Current views and issues, Stathi, Katerina, Elke Gehweiler and Ekkehard König (eds.), pp. 181–220 | Article
Two well-known approaches to language change illustrate a fundamental difference between functional and formal linguistics as to what are considered important mechanisms in change. In Grammaticalization, emphasis is on the semantic-pragmatic factors guiding change, while Generative Theory… read more
Fischer, Olga 2010 An iconic, analogical approach to grammaticalizationSignergy, Conradie, C. Jac, Ronél Johl, Marthinus Beukes, Olga Fischer and Christina Ljungberg (eds.), pp. 279–298 | Article
This paper addresses a number of problems connected with the ‘apparatus’ used in grammaticalization theory. It will be argued that we get a better grip on what happens in processes of grammaticalization (and its ‘opposite’, lexicalization) if the process is viewed in terms of analogical processes,… read more
Fischer, Olga 2010 On problem areas in grammaticalization: Lehmann’s parameters and the issue of scopeFormal Evidence in Grammaticalization Research, Van linden, An, Jean-Christophe Verstraete and Kristin Davidse (eds.), pp. 17–42 | Article
In a number of recent studies on grammaticalization, it has been argued that the Lehmannian parameter of scope decrease does not work, and that instead scope increase is involved. In this paper I will look at a classic case of grammaticalization, that of the English modals, and suggest that the… read more
Fischer, Olga 2008 On analogy as the motivation for grammaticalizationStudies in Language 32:2, pp. 336–382 | Article
The number of phenomena which are gathered together under the term ‘grammaticalization’ is quite large and in some ways quite diverse. For the different types of grammaticalization similar motivating factors have been suggested, similar principles, clines and hierarchies. Some of Lehmann’s… read more
Fischer, Olga 2007 What counts as evidence in historical linguistics?What Counts as Evidence in Linguistics: The case of innateness, Penke, Martina and Anette Rosenbach (eds.), pp. 249–281 | Article
The main aim of this paper is to establish the position of historical linguistics in the wider field of linguistics. Section 1 centres on the immediate and long term goals of historical linguistics. Section 2 discusses the type of data that play a role and looks at tools to be used for the analysis… read more
Fischer, Olga 2007 Author’s responseWhat Counts as Evidence in Linguistics: The case of innateness, Penke, Martina and Anette Rosenbach (eds.), pp. 287–289 | Article
Herlofsky, William J., Costantino Maeder and Olga Fischer 2005 Introduction: Iconicity in-side-outOutside-In — Inside-Out, Maeder, Costantino, Olga Fischer and William J. Herlofsky (eds.), pp. 1–12 | Miscellaneous
Fischer, Olga 2004 Author’s responseWhat Counts as Evidence in Linguistics?: The case of innateness, Penke, Martina and Anette Rosenbach (eds.), pp. 745–747 | Article
Fischer, Olga 2004 What counts as evidence in historical linguistics?What Counts as Evidence in Linguistics?: The case of innateness, Penke, Martina and Anette Rosenbach (eds.), pp. 710–740 | Article
The main aim of this paper is to establish the position of historical linguistics in the wider field of linguistics. Section 1 centres on the immediate and long term goals of historical linguistics. Section 2 discusses the type of data that play a role and looks at tools to be used for the analysis… read more
Fischer, Olga, Muriel Norde and Harry Perridon 2004 Introduction: In search of grammaticalizationUp and down the Cline – The Nature of Grammaticalization, Fischer, Olga, Muriel Norde and Harry Perridon (eds.), pp. 1–16 | Article
Fischer, Olga and Wolfgang G. Müller 2003 Introduction: From Signing back to SignsFrom Sign to Signing, Müller, Wolfgang G. and Olga Fischer, pp. 1–20 | Article
Fischer, Olga 2001 The position of the adjective in (Old) English from an iconic perspectiveThe Motivated Sign, Fischer, Olga and Max Nänny (eds.), pp. 249–276 | Article
Nänny, Max and Olga Fischer 2001 Introduction: Veni, Vidi, ViciThe Motivated Sign, Fischer, Olga and Max Nänny (eds.), pp. 1–14 | Article
Fischer, Olga 2000 Grammaticalisation: Unidirectional, non-reversable? The case of to before the infinitive in EnglishPathways of Change: Grammaticalization in English, Fischer, Olga, Anette Rosenbach and Dieter Stein (eds.), pp. 149–169 | Article
Fischer, Olga and Anette Rosenbach 2000 IntroductionPathways of Change: Grammaticalization in English, Fischer, Olga, Anette Rosenbach and Dieter Stein (eds.), pp. 1–37 | Article
Fischer, Olga 1999 On the Role Played by Iconicity in Grammaticalisation ProcessesForm Miming Meaning, Nänny, Max and Olga Fischer (eds.), pp. 345 ff. | Article
Fischer, Olga and Max Nänny 1999 Introduction: Iconicity as a Creative Force in Language UseForm Miming Meaning, Nänny, Max and Olga Fischer (eds.), pp. xv ff. | Miscellaneous
SUMMARY The aim of this paper is to investigate the difference in usage between the bare or zero infinitive and the marked or (for) to infinitive in late Middle English. It has been generally recognised that grammatical function plays an important role here, but it does not explain the variation… read more
Fischer, Olga and Frederike van der Leek 1987 A ‘case’ for the Old English impersonalExplanation and Linguistic Change, Koopman, Willem F., Frederike van der Leek, Olga Fischer and Roger Eaton (eds.), pp. 79 ff. | Article