Fangqiong Zhan

List of John Benjamins publications for which Fangqiong Zhan plays a role.

Han, Xiao and Fangqiong Zhan 2023 A study on the semantic change of the Chinese negative adverb Bùshèn (不甚)Lexical semantics towards the big-data era, Liu, Meichun and Chunyu Kit (eds.), pp. 1–17 | Article
This paper aims to account for the multiple interpretations of the Chinese negative degree adverb bùshèn (不甚). In Xiandai Hanyu Dacidian Shangce (Modern Chinese Dictionary Volume I) (Ruan & Guo (eds) 2009), bùshèn is defined as ‘the degree is not very high’, which can be interpreted as ‘not… read more
This paper addresses the development of the Chinese V de O cleft construction, and how the cleft constructional network was developed in the history of Chinese. It is argued that V de O clefts emerged in the 13th century which was about 300 years later than VP de clefts. A key factor in their… read more
This paper examines the emergence of the Chinese adverb běnlái and its further development into a stance discourse marker (sdm). Most previous studies consider the epistemic modal adverb běnlái (‘indeed, truly’) to have originated from the temporal adverb běnlái (‘originally’). Based on the… read more
The paper addresses the emergence and development of the Chinese correlative comparative construction (CrCC) from the perspective of constructionalization. Most previous historical studies of the CrCC take a grammaticalization approach (e.g., Long 2013), focusing mainly on morphosyntax alone… read more
Zhan, Fangqiong and Elizabeth Closs Traugott 2019 The development of the Chinese copula shì construction: A diachronic constructional perspectiveFunctions of Language 26:2, pp. 139–176 | Article
This paper investigates the development of the copula shì construction in Chinese from the perspective of diachronic construction grammar (Traugott & Trousdale 2013). In prior work the development has been conceptualized in a grammaticalization framework, with focus on the individual expression… read more
Zhan, Fangqiong and Elizabeth Closs Traugott 2015 The constructionalization of the Chinese cleft constructionStudies in Language 39:2, pp. 459–491 | Article
This paper addresses the emergence and development of the Chinese cleft construction, with particular attention to the period from Early Archaic Chinese through Late Medieval Chinese. Prototype copulas are typically of the form [NP SHI NP], are predicational or specificational, and cue information… read more