Chiara Branchini

List of John Benjamins publications for which Chiara Branchini plays a role.

Donati, Caterina, Gemma Barberà, Chiara Branchini, Carlo Cecchetto, Carlo Geraci and Josep Quer 2017 Searching for imperatives in European sign languagesImperatives and Directive Strategies, Van Olmen, Daniël and Simone Heinold (eds.), pp. 111–156 | Chapter
This article presents the first results of a pilot project aiming at analyzing how European sign languages realize a syntactic domain that is very solid, likely to be grammaticalized in any language but very poorly described or not described at all for sign languages: the imperative. Our… read more
Branchini, Chiara, Anna Cardinaletti, Carlo Cecchetto, Caterina Donati and Carlo Geraci 2015 WH-duplication in Italian Sign Language (LIS)Signs and Structures: Formal Approaches to Sign Language Syntax, Rutkowski, Paweł (ed.), pp. 39–70 | Article
This paper focuses on those WH-questions in Italian Sign Language (LIS) featuring two lexically identical WH-signs. We show that WH1 (the first WH in linear order) is shorter than WH2 (the second WH in liner order). However, there is evidence that this different duration is due to a phrase final… read more
Guasti, Maria Teresa, Chiara Branchini, Mirta Vernice, Lina Barbieri and Fabrizio Arosio 2015 Language disorders in children with Developmental DyslexiaSpecific Language Impairment: Current trends in research, Stavrakaki, Stavroula (ed.), pp. 35–56 | Article
While language skills are generally not assessed in children with Developmental Dyslexia (DD), it is known that 50% of them manifests some of the symptoms that we find in children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI). This is confirmed in this study for Italian: 50% of the children with DD… read more
Branchini, Chiara, Anna Cardinaletti, Carlo Cecchetto, Caterina Donati and Carlo Geraci 2013 wh-duplication in Italian Sign Language (LIS)Sign Language Syntax from a Formal Perspective: Selected Papers from the 2012 Warsaw FEAST, Rutkowski, Paweł (ed.), pp. 157–188 | Article
This paper focuses on those wh-questions in Italian Sign Language (LIS) featuring two lexically identical wh-signs. We show that wh1 (the first wh in linear order) is shorter than wh2 (the second wh in liner order). However, there is evidence that this different duration is due to a phrase-final… read more
Branchini, Chiara and Caterina Donati 2009 Relatively different: Italian Sign Language relative clauses in a typological perspectiveCorrelatives Cross-Linguistically, Lipták, Anikó (ed.), pp. 157–191 | Article
Branchini, Chiara 2007 On relativization and clefting in Italian Sign LanguageIdentifying sentences in signed languages, Crasborn, Onno A. (ed.), pp. 201–212 | Review