Alexander Bergs

List of John Benjamins publications for which Alexander Bergs plays a role.


Contexts and Constructions

Edited by Alexander Bergs and Gabriele Diewald

Subjects Pragmatics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Lehmann, Claudia and Alexander Bergs 2021 As if irony was in stock: The case of constructional ironiesConstructions and Frames 13:2, pp. 309–339 | Article
The linguistic treatment of verbal irony has more often than not focused on novel, ad hoc ironies. Research in the last decade, however, suggests that there is a considerable number of utterances that are either schematic or lexically filled and interpreted as ironic by convention. By analyzing… read more
Bergs, Alexander 2016 Response to TraugottModal Meaning in Construction Grammar, Cappelle, Bert and Ilse Depraetere (eds.), pp. 125–129 | Article
Bergs, Alexander and Lena Heine 2010 Mood in EnglishMood in the Languages of Europe, Rothstein, Björn and Rolf Thieroff (eds.), pp. 103–116 | Article
Bergs, Alexander and Gabriele Diewald 2009 Contexts and constructionsContexts and Constructions, Bergs, Alexander and Gabriele Diewald (eds.), pp. 1–14 | Article
Bergs, Alexander 2007 Letters: A new approach to text typologyLetter Writing, Nevalainen, Terttu and Sanna-Kaisa Tanskanen (eds.), pp. 27–46 | Article
This paper explores the question how far “letters” as one specific text type can be subdivided into smaller groups of texts (i.e. subtypes such as “requests”, “orders”, or “reports”) on the basis of socio-psychological and pragmatic dimensions and factors, including speech act and accommodation… read more
Bergs, Alexander 2005 ‘Ther been thinges thre, the whiche thynges troublen al this erthe’: The discourse-pragmatics of ‘demonstrative which’Opening Windows on Texts and Discourses of the Past, Skaffari, Janne, Matti Peikola, Ruth Carroll, Risto Hiltunen and Brita Wårvik (eds.), pp. 259–277 | Article
This paper describes and analyses the origin, development, structure, and use ofwhichas a demonstrative element. This largely qualitative study shows that demonstrativewhichhad its heyday in the late Middle English and early Modern English periods. The subsequent reduction of both type and token… read more
Bergs, Alexander 2004 Letters: A new approach to text typologyLetter Writing, Nevalainen, Terttu and Sanna-Kaisa Tanskanen (eds.), pp. 207–227 | Article
This paper explores the question how far “letters” as one specific text type can be subdivided into smaller groups of texts (i.e. subtypes such as “requests”, “orders”, or “reports”) on the basis of socio-psychological and pragmatic dimensions and factors, including speech act and accommodation… read more
Bergs, Alexander and Dieter Stein 2001 The role of markedness in the actuation and actualization of linguistic changeActualization: Linguistic Change in Progress, Andersen, Henning (ed.), pp. 79–94 | Article
On the basis of Present-day English corpus data, this paper investigates deliberate, adaptive linguistic innovations from a constructional perspective. The concrete phenomena addressed include the XYZ construction (“Copenhagen is the Paris of Denmark”), the X be not the Y-est Z in… read more