Elisabeth Zima

List of John Benjamins publications for which Elisabeth Zima plays a role.


Mobile Eyetracking: New avenues for the study of gaze in social interaction

Edited by Elisabeth Zima and Anja Stukenbrock

[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 351] 2025. vi, 315 pp. + index
Subjects Communication Studies | Discourse studies | Interaction Studies | Pragmatics

Stance, resonance and the power of engagement

Edited by Bracha Nir and Elisabeth Zima

Special issue of Functions of Language 24:1 (2017) v, 137 pp.
Subjects Corpus linguistics | Discourse studies | Functional linguistics | Pragmatics | Theoretical linguistics
Stukenbrock, Anja and Elisabeth Zima 2025 Chapter 1. Introduction: Mobile eye tracking for the study of gaze in social interactionMobile Eyetracking: New avenues for the study of gaze in social interaction, Zima, Elisabeth and Anja Stukenbrock (eds.), pp. 1–21 | Chapter
Zima, Elisabeth, Peter Auer and Christoph Rühlemann 2025 Chapter 2. Why research on gaze in social interaction needs mobile eye trackingMobile Eyetracking: New avenues for the study of gaze in social interaction, Zima, Elisabeth and Anja Stukenbrock (eds.), pp. 24–67 | Chapter
This chapter challenges the prevailing practice in ethnomethodologically inspired interaction research (EMCA) of recording and analyzing gaze in social interactions from an observer’s perspective. Contrary to the assumption that this perspective is ‘natural’, we demonstrate systematic divergence… read more
Nir, Bracha and Elisabeth Zima 2017 The power of engagement: Stance-taking, dialogic resonance and the construction of intersubjectivityStance, resonance and the power of engagement, Nir, Bracha and Elisabeth Zima (eds.), pp. 3–15 | Article
Zima, Elisabeth 2017 Chapter 10. Multimodal constructional resemblance: The case of English circular motion constructionsConstructing Families of Constructions: Analytical perspectives and theoretical challenges, Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, Francisco José, Alba Luzondo Oyón and Paula Pérez-Sobrino (eds.), pp. 301–337 | Chapter
This chapter approaches the topic of constructional families by zooming in on five English motion constructions. Contrary to the traditional focus of Construction Grammar on verbal form-meaning pairings, the chapter discusses their multimodal dimension. A study in the NewsScape Library of… read more
This paper relates the functional model of Dialogic Syntax and its key concept of resonance (Du Bois 2001 [2009]) to Cognitive Grammar (Langacker, 1987, 1991, 2001, 2008, 2009) with the aim of inquiring into the prospects, potential gains, and limitations of a Cognitive Grammar-inspired discourse… read more