Josh Ard

List of John Benjamins publications for which Josh Ard plays a role.

Ard, Josh and Taco Homburg 1992 Verification of Language TransferLanguage Transfer in Language Learning: Revised edition, Gass, Susan M. and Larry Selinker (eds.), pp. 47–70 | Article
Ard, Josh 1989 From sign to text in mathematical discourseFrom Sign to Text: A semiotic view of communication, Tobin, Yishai (ed.), pp. 255–274 | Article
Ard, Josh 1984 Comments on the paper by ComrieLanguage Universals and Second Language Acquisition, Rutherford, William E. (ed.), pp. 30–32 | Article
Gass, Susan M. and Josh Ard 1984 Reply to Kumpf’s CommentsLanguage Universals and Second Language Acquisition, Rutherford, William E. (ed.), pp. 73–78 | Article
Gass, Susan M. and Josh Ard 1984 Second laguage acquisition and the ontology of laguage universalsLanguage Universals and Second Language Acquisition, Rutherford, William E. (ed.), pp. 33–68 | Article