Sze-Wing Tang

List of John Benjamins publications for which Sze-Wing Tang plays a role.


Cantonese has a rich repertoire of verbal suffixes. One type of verbal suffixes should be analyzed as inflectional morphemes that form a converbal construction, a “defective” TP with minimal functional projections within TP and no CP and beyond. Given that it cannot stand alone and cannot occur… read more
Sio, Joanna Ut-Seong and Sze-Wing Tang 2020 Two types of aa3 -nominals in CantoneseLanguage and Linguistics 21:1, pp. 80–103 | Article
This paper provides an overview of the grammatical properties of the Cantonese aa3, a nominal element that only attaches itself to [+human] nouns. We provide evidence to show that there are in fact two types of aa3-nominals. Their syntactic and semantic properties correlate with the number of… read more
Zhang, Qingwen, Zhenquan Cheng, Sze-Wing Tang and Hongyong Liu 2015 Indefinite article or numeral one? A Study of iʔ5 ‘one’ in ShiposhengInternational Journal of Chinese Linguistics 2:1, pp. 33–56 | Article
This paper investigates iʔ5 ‘one’ in Shiposheng, a vernacular dialect spoken in the north of Guangdong Province. Though iʔ5 in Shiposheng and yi ‘one’ in Mandarin share similar usages, they behave differently when cooccurring with the demonstrative, i.e., iʔ5 in Shiposheng cannot follow the… read more
Tang, Sze-Wing 2011 On gerundive nominalization in Mandarin and CantoneseNominalization in Asian Languages: Diachronic and typological perspectives, Yap, Foong Ha, Karen Grunow-Hårsta and Janick Wrona (eds.), pp. 147–160 | Article
This paper examines a number of variations between Mandarin and Cantonese nominalizations, including genitive agent nominals, possessive objects, relativization of idiomatic expressions, verbless de expressions, and internal de expressions. Differences between these two languages boil down to the… read more