Diana Guillemin

List of John Benjamins publications for which Diana Guillemin plays a role.

Book series


Language Description Informed by Theory

Edited by Rob Pensalfini, Myfany Turpin and Diana Guillemin

[Studies in Language Companion Series, 147] 2014. xii, 391 pp.
Subjects Anthropological Linguistics | Language documentation | Theoretical linguistics
Subjects Contact Linguistics | Creole studies | Generative linguistics | Romance linguistics | Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Guillemin, Diana 2014 Marking Definiteness or Specificity, not necessarily both: Evidence of a principle of economy from Mauritian CreoleLanguage Description Informed by Theory, Pensalfini, Rob, Myfany Turpin and Diana Guillemin (eds.), pp. 193–216 | Article
Definiteness and Specificity are assumed to be universal semantic categories, but they are not marked in all languages. Languages with only two articles mark either Definiteness or Specificity, not both (Ionin 2003). I apply Chomsky’s theory of Derivation by Phase (2001a, 2001b) to the analysis of… read more
Pensalfini, Rob, Diana Guillemin and Myfany Turpin 2014 Editors’ introductionLanguage Description Informed by Theory, Pensalfini, Rob, Myfany Turpin and Diana Guillemin (eds.), pp. 1–14 | Article
Turpin, Myfany and Diana Guillemin 2014 Bibliography of Mary LaughrenLanguage Description Informed by Theory, Pensalfini, Rob, Myfany Turpin and Diana Guillemin (eds.), pp. 15–24 | Article
This paper presents morphosyntactic and sentential information on Mauritian Creole (MC), a French-lexifier creole which has been underrepresented in many studies of Creole morphosyntactic typology. Typological features from Holm & Patrick (2007), Bickerton (1981, 1984), Taylor (1971, 1977), Markey… read more
Guillemin, Diana 2009 The Mauritian Creole determiner system: A historical overviewComplex Processes in New Languages, Aboh, Enoch O. and Norval Smith (eds.), pp. 173–200 | Article
The process of article incorporation early in the genesis of Mauritian Creole (MC) resulted in the occurrence of a bare nouns in argument positions with ambiguous interpretations between (in)definite, singular, plural and generic. A new determiner system gradually emerged, but MC continues to admit… read more
Guillemin, Diana 2007 13. A look at so in Mauritian Creole: From possessive pronoun to emphatic determinerSynchronic and Diachronic Perspectives on Contact Languages, Huber, Magnus and Viveka Velupillai (eds.), pp. 279–296 | Article