Robert T. Craig

List of John Benjamins publications for which Robert T. Craig plays a role.

Book series

Tracy, Karen and Robert T. Craig 2019 Decision announcements in small claims court: A recurring judge dilemmaDialogue in institutional settings, Orletti, Franca and Letizia Caronia (eds.), pp. 65–83 | Article
This study analyzes judges’ decision announcements at the end of small claims hearings when the judge informs the parties who has won. Background on US small claims courts is provided, and the data and grounded practical theory, the analytic approach, are described. Then, we overview the small… read more
Craig, Robert T. 2012 The metadiscourse of “voice”: Legitimizing participation in dialogue(Re)presentations and Dialogue, Cooren, François and Alain Létourneau (eds.), pp. 125–142 | Article
Discourse analysis of a sample of arguments about “voice” found in online searches supports tentative conclusions about the normative structure of this concept in ordinary metadiscourse. Centrally concerned with “voice” in the sense of “having voice” (legitimate participation) in a communicative… read more
Craig, Robert T. 2012 Chapter 5. Arguments about ‘rhetoric’ in the 2008 US presidential election campaignExploring Argumentative Contexts, Eemeren, Frans H. van and Bart Garssen (eds.), pp. 79–94 | Article
Barack Obama’s prowess in the art of rhetoric, for which he had gained a national reputation with a stirring keynote speech to the 2004 Democratic National Convention, was much commented upon during the 2008 US presidential election campaign and became a stimulus for public debate on the necessity,… read more
Action-implicative discourse analysis (AIDA) is an ethnographically informed discourse-analytic approach that works to provide normative understandings of situated communicative practices that are action-implicative for social life. Extending the logic of grounded practical theory (Craig and Tracy… read more
Regarding ‘dialogue’ as a normative rather than a purely descriptive concept, this study describes the rhetoric of practical arguments about the possibility or impossibility of dialogue in a corpus of discourse samples primarily drawn from the Internet. Political, social, and personal domains of… read more
Craig, Robert T. and Karen Tracy 2005 1. “The issue” in argumentative practice and theoryArgumentation in Practice, Eemeren, Frans H. van and Peter Houtlosser (eds.), pp. 11–28 | Chapter