Mira Ariel

List of John Benjamins publications for which Mira Ariel plays a role.

Bardenstein, Ruti and Mira Ariel 2022 The missing link between truth and intensificationStudies in Language 46:2, pp. 285–322 | Article
Truth markers commonly evolve into intensifiers (Heine & Kuteva 2002), but we here argue that this shift is only indirect, and a counter-loosening phase necessarily mediates between truth marking and intensification. Counter-looseners instruct the addressee to avoid (or rather, constrain) the… read more
Ariel, Mira 2021 Chapter 16. Why it’s hard to construct ad hoc number conceptsBuilding Categories in Interaction: Linguistic resources at work, Mauri, Caterina, Ilaria Fiorentini and Eugenio Goria (eds.), pp. 439–462 | Chapter
Lexical meanings are routinely adjusted in order to evoke ad hoc concepts. But number words pose a unique challenge. Carston (2002) discusses two relevant interpretative processes in this connection. Broadening (as in metaphorical uses) introduces an ad hoc concept by incorporating… read more
Ariel, Mira 2019 Or constructions: Code, inference and cue tooOn the Role of Pragmatics in Construction Grammar, Finkbeiner, Rita (ed.), pp. 193–219 | Article
Utterance interpretation involves semantically specified codes and context-based pragmatic inferences, which complement each other. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate the very complex relation between a subset of codes, Goldbergian constructions, specifically ones centering around… read more
Ariel, Mira 2017 Chapter 2. What’s a reading?Implicitness: From lexis to discourse, Cap, Piotr and Marta Dynel (eds.), pp. 15–36 | Chapter
Linguists sometimes assume that the readings associated with linguistic utterance, both explicit and implicit, are self-evident. I here problematize the concept of a reading associated with linguistic expressions, and restrict it to interpretations systematically intended by the speaker using the… read more
Ariel, Mira, Elitzur Dattner, John W. Du Bois and Tal Linzen 2015 Pronominal datives: The royal road to argument statusStudies in Language 39:2, pp. 257–321 | Article
Based on a large corpus of dative constructions in Hebrew, we propose that dative-marked pronominals manifest a facilitated path from adjunct to argument. Since datives tend to be pronominal, adding them onto existing argument structures avoids a clash with the Preferred Argument Structure (PAS)… read more
Ariel, Mira 2007 A grammar in every register? The case of definite descriptionsThe Grammar–Pragmatics Interface: Essays in honor of Jeanette K. Gundel, Hedberg, Nancy and Ron Zacharski (eds.), pp. 265–292 | Article
Ariel, Mira 2001 Accessibility theory: An overviewText Representation: Linguistic and psycholinguistic aspects, Sanders, Ted J.M., Joost Schilperoord and Wilbert Spooren (eds.), pp. 29–88 | Article
Generativist pragmatists and discourse grammarians both subscribe to a functional view of language, but they do not agree on the nature of pragmatic principles. Prince (1988a,b) has argued that form-function correlations are arbitrary and language specific. Discourse grammarians have argued that… read more
Ariel, Mira 1999 Mapping So-called “Pragmatic” Phenomena According to a “Linguistic-Extralinguistic” Distinction: The case of propositions marked “accessible”Functionalism and Formalism in Linguistics: Volume II: Case studies, Darnell, Michael, Edith A. Moravcsik, Michael Noonan, Frederick J. Newmeyer and Kathleen Wheatley (eds.), pp. 11–38 | Article
Ariel, Mira 1998 Discourse Markers and Form-function CorrelationsDiscourse Markers: Descriptions and theory, Jucker, Andreas H. and Yael Ziv (eds.), pp. 223–260 | Article
Ariel, Mira 1996 Referring Expressions and the +/- Coreference DistinctionReference and Referent Accessibility, Fretheim, Thorstein and Jeanette K. Gundel (eds.), pp. 13–36 | Article
Abstract This article investigates gender stereotyping in the Hebrew literature in Palestine during the 1930s in order to find out the extent to which a new ideology effects linguistic and narrative changes. On the assumption that the foundation of the new society was motivated by an egalitarian… read more
In this paper, we propose a model that accounts for the change in the grammatical status of the members of the Hebrew Ultimate construction family, the only full sentences in Hebrew to undergo lexicalization, from extra-sentential elements to full-fledged words, specifically, flexible modifiers.… read more