Teresa Seruya

List of John Benjamins publications for which Teresa Seruya plays a role.


Translation in Anthologies and Collections (19th and 20th Centuries)

Edited by Teresa Seruya, Lieven D’hulst, Alexandra Assis Rosa and Maria Lin Moniz

[Benjamins Translation Library, 107] 2013. ix, 287 pp.
Subjects Theoretical literature & literary studies | Translation Studies

Translation Studies at the Interface of Disciplines

Edited by João Ferreira Duarte, Alexandra Assis Rosa and Teresa Seruya

[Benjamins Translation Library, 68] 2006. vi, 207 pp.
Subjects Translation Studies
Seruya, Teresa 2013 Extra-European literatures in anthology during the Estado Novo (1933–1974)Translation in Anthologies and Collections (19th and 20th Centuries), Seruya, Teresa, Lieven D’hulst, Alexandra Assis Rosa and Maria Lin Moniz (eds.), pp. 171–186 | Article
During the right-wing dictatorship (Estado Novo) that governed Portugal from 1933 to 1974, collectionism (covering anthologies, collections and libraries) was the preferred way of organizing and divulging international literature in Portugal. This study looks at literary anthologies from outside… read more
Seruya, Teresa 2013 Anthologies and translationHandbook of Translation Studies: Volume 4, Gambier, Yves and Luc van Doorslaer (eds.), pp. 1–6 | Article
Seruya, Teresa, Lieven D’hulst, Alexandra Assis Rosa and Maria Lin Moniz 2013 Introduction: Translation anthologies and collections: An overview and some prospectsTranslation in Anthologies and Collections (19th and 20th Centuries), Seruya, Teresa, Lieven D’hulst, Alexandra Assis Rosa and Maria Lin Moniz (eds.), pp. 1–14 | Article
Seruya, Teresa, Marta Teixeira Anacleto, Maria dos Anjos Guincho, Dionisio Martínez Soler, Maria Lin Moniz and Alexandra Lopes 2007 Notes for a cartography of literary translation history in PortugalDoubts and Directions in Translation Studies: Selected contributions from the EST Congress, Lisbon 2004, Gambier, Yves, Miriam Shlesinger † and Radegundis Stolze (eds.), pp. 59–71 | Chapter
This paper is both a shortened version of a provisional account of a research project entitled “Literary Histories and Translations. Representations of the Other in Portuguese Culture” and an attempt at describing briefly the past and future of literary translation studies in Portugal. Therefore,… read more