Charlotte Gooskens

List of John Benjamins publications for which Charlotte Gooskens plays a role.

Gooskens, Charlotte and Vincent J. van Heuven 2020 How well can intelligibility of closely related languages in Europe be predicted by linguistic and non-linguistic variables?Mental representations in receptive multilingualism, Holmes, Bonnie C. and Michael T. Putnam (eds.), pp. 351–379 | Article
We measured mutual intelligibility of 16 closely related spoken languages in Europe. Intelligibility was determined for all 70 language combinations using the same uniform methodology (a cloze test). We analysed the results of 1833 listeners representing the mutual intelligibility between young,… read more
This paper investigates whether instruction about phonological correspondences between the native and a closely related language contributes to the intelligibility of this closely related language. Previous research has shown that closely related languages can be mutually intelligible to a certain… read more
Gooskens, Charlotte and Renée van Bezooijen 2014 The effect of pause insertion on the intelligibility of Danish among SwedesAbove and Beyond the Segments: Experimental linguistics and phonetics, Caspers, Johanneke, Yiya Chen, Willemijn Heeren, Jos Pacilly, Niels O. Schiller and Ellen van Zanten (eds.), pp. 96–108 | Article
Scharpff & Van Heuven (1988) have shown that low-quality, synthetic speech is better understood when pauses are inserted at prosodic boundaries. Their study pertains to an L1 situation. In the present paper we test the hypothesis that the positive effect of particular pauses on intelligibility… read more
Swarte, Femke, Anja Schüppert and Charlotte Gooskens 2013 Do speakers of Dutch use their knowledge of German while processing written Danish words?Linguistics in the Netherlands 2013, Aalberse, Suzanne and Anita Auer (eds.), pp. 146–159 | Article
This paper elaborates on a factor that plays a role in receptive multilingualism, namely the influence of a second language (L2). We investigated whether knowledge of German can help Dutch people to decode written Danish words when they do not know any Danish. We instructed 32 participants with… read more
Gooskens, Charlotte, Renée van Bezooijen and Sebastian Kürschner 2010 The reflection of historical language contact in present-day Dutch and SwedishLanguage Contact: New perspectives, Norde, Muriel, Bob de Jonge and Cornelius Hasselblatt (eds.), pp. 103–118 | Article
In the present study we quantitatively examine similarly constructed samples of formal spoken Swedish and Dutch in order to compare the composition of the lexicons. Results showed that Swedish has many more loans than Dutch, namely 44.4% against 27.9%. Within the Swedish loans there is a large… read more
Beijering, Karin, Charlotte Gooskens and Wilbert Heeringa 2008 Predicting intelligibility and perceived linguistic distance by means of the Levenshtein algorithmLinguistics in the Netherlands 2008, Koppen, Marjo van and Bert Botma (eds.), pp. 13–24 | Article
Bezooijen, Renée van and Charlotte Gooskens 2007 11. Interlingual text comprehension: Linguistic and extralinguistic determinantsReceptive Multilingualism: Linguistic analyses, language policies and didactic concepts, Thije, Jan D. ten and Ludger Zeevaert (eds.), pp. 249–264 | Article
The three West-Germanic languages Dutch, Frisian and Afrikaans are so closely related that they can be expected to be mutually intelligible to a large extent. In the present investigation, we established the intelligibility of written Afrikaans and Frisian by Dutch-speaking subjects. It appeared… read more
Gooskens, Charlotte 2006 Linguistic and extra-linguistic predictors of inter-Scandinavian intelligibilityLinguistics in the Netherlands 2006, Weijer, Jeroen van de and Bettelou Los (eds.), pp. 101–113 | Article
Bezooijen, Renée van and Charlotte Gooskens 2005 How easy is it for speakers of Dutch to understand Frisian and Afrikaans, and why?Linguistics in the Netherlands 2005, Doetjes, Jenny and Jeroen van de Weijer (eds.), pp. 13–24 | Article