Jhon A. Cuesta Medina

List of John Benjamins publications for which Jhon A. Cuesta Medina plays a role.


Tracy-Ventura, Nicole and Jhon A. Cuesta Medina 2020 Can native-speaker corpora help explain L2 acquisition of tense and aspect? A study of the “input”Tense and Aspect in Second Language Acquisition and Learner Corpus Research, Fuchs, Robert and Valentin Werner (eds.), pp. 135–158 | Chapter
This study investigates the distributional patterns of verb form frequencies in the Spanish past tense (the Preterit and the Imperfect) in the Corpus del Español (Davies, 2002). Following a usage-based approach, we examine the potential influence of input frequency as a driving factor in L2… read more
Huensch, Amanda, Nicole Tracy-Ventura, Judith Bridges and Jhon A. Cuesta Medina 2019 Variables affecting the maintenance of L2 proficiency and fluency four years post-study abroadLanguage learning and interactional experiences in Study Abroad settings, Salaberry, M. Rafael, Kate White and Alfred Rue Burch (eds.), pp. 96–125 | Article
This study explored the attrition / maintenance of second language (L2) proficiency by examining longitudinally the oral skills of a group of L2 French and L2 Spanish participants (n = 33) four years after study abroad, and three years after completing an undergraduate degree in languages.… read more
Tracy-Ventura, Nicole and Jhon A. Cuesta Medina 2018 Can native-speaker corpora help explain L2 acquisition of tense and aspect? A study of the “input”Tense and aspect in Second Language Acquisition and Learner Corpus Research, Fuchs, Robert and Valentin Werner (eds.), pp. 277–300 | Article
This study investigates the distributional patterns of verb form frequencies in the Spanish past tense (the Preterit and the Imperfect) in the Corpus del Español (Davies, 2002). Following a usage-based approach, we examine the potential influence of input frequency as a driving factor in L2… read more