Melanie Uth

List of John Benjamins publications for which Melanie Uth plays a role.


Focus Realization in Romance and Beyond

Edited by Marco García García and Melanie Uth

[Studies in Language Companion Series, 201] 2018. viii, 391 pp.
Subjects Romance linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Uth, Melanie 2019 Traces of language contact in intonation: The case of Yucatecan SpanishProsodic Issues in Language Contact Situations, Congosto Martín, Yolanda and Laura Morgenthaler (eds.), pp. 353–389 | Article
This article deals with the intonational realization of contrastive focus in Yucatecan Spanish. Data from three recent elicitation studies with a total of ten bilingual speakers of Yucatecan Spanish (YS) and Yucatec Maya (YM) and five monolingual speakers of YS suggest that contrastive focus in… read more
This article investigates the prosodic and syntactic realization of broad and narrow contrastive focus in Yucatecan Spanish compared to standard Mexican Spanish. Based on data from two production experiments and one acceptability judgment test, it is suggested that Yucatecan Spanish is… read more
Uth, Melanie and Marco García García 2018 Chapter 1. Introduction: Core issues of focus realization in RomanceFocus Realization in Romance and Beyond, García García, Marco and Melanie Uth (eds.), pp. 1–30 | Chapter
Despite numerous theoretical approaches and empirical analyses, it is not entirely clear how different focus types and constructions are realized and interpreted in individual Romance languages. Due to the complexity of this linguistic area, an interdisciplinary and cross-linguistic approach seems… read more
Uth, Melanie 2012 The lexicalist hypothesis and the semantics of event nominalization suffixesInflection and Word Formation in Romance Languages, Gaglia, Sascha and Marc-Olivier Hinzelin (eds.), pp. 347–368 | Article
This article approaches the debate between lexicalist and syntactic accounts on derivational morphology from a semantic viewpoint. It is argued that the debate between lexicalist and syntactic accounts on event nominalizations may not be solved without thoroughly investigating the different… read more