Eric P. Hamp

List of John Benjamins publications for which Eric P. Hamp plays a role.

Hamp, Eric P. 2010 On the Etymology of Crimean Gothic apelNOWELE Volume 58/59 (June 2010): The Gothic Language, Nielsen, Hans Frede † and Flemming Talbo Stubkjær (eds.), pp. 453–460 | Article
Hamp, Eric P. 2004 Indo-European *peiḱ- and *peik-Studies in Baltic and Indo-European Linguistics: In honor of William R. Schmalstieg, Baldi, Philip and Pietro U. Dini (eds.), pp. 63 ff. | Chapter
Hamp, Eric P. 1998 Some Draft Principles for ClassificationNostratic: Sifting the Evidence, Salmons, Joseph C. and Brian D. Joseph (eds.), pp. 13 ff. | Article
Hamp, Eric P. 1998 SneezeNOWELE Volume 33 (March 1998), pp. 115–120 | Article
Hamp, Eric P. 1994 English elkNOWELE Volume 24 (August 1994), pp. 47–48 | Article
Hamp, Eric P. 1992 On misusing similarityExplanation in Historical Linguistics, Davis, Garry W. and Gregory Iverson (eds.), pp. 95 ff. | Article
Hamp, Eric P. 1992 Eng. boar, Ohg bêrNOWELE Volume 20 (September 1992), p.  | Article
Hamp, Eric P. 1991 On Reconstructing Morphology and SyntaxLanguage Typology 1988: Typological Models in the Service of Reconstruction, Lehmann, Winfred P. and Helen-Jo Jakusz Hewitt (eds.), pp. 105 ff. | Article
Hamp, Eric P. 1991 Das Knochenlose Bebst, Das Feuerlose HausNOWELE Volume 18 (September 1991), pp. 95–96 | Article
Hamp, Eric P. 1990 Welsh moesCeltic Linguistics / Ieithyddiaeth Geltaidd: Readings in the Brythonic Languages. Festschrift for T. Arwyn Watkins, Ball, Martin J., James Fife, Erich Poppe and Jenny Rowland (eds.), pp. 441 ff. | Article
Hamp, Eric P. 1990 Germanic *skalkazNOWELE Volume 16 (September 1990), p.  | Article
Hamp, Eric P. 1989 Germanic *θω- in EnglishNOWELE Volume 13 (April 1989), pp. 41–42 | Article
Hamp, Eric P. 1988 Old English HæstNOWELE Volume 11 (February 1988), p.  | Article
Hamp, Eric P. 1987 North European IE "Bed"NOWELE Volume 9 (April 1987), pp. 89–90 | Article
Hamp, Eric P. 1985 German Bein, Old English Bān; Slavic KostbNOWELE Volume 6 (September 1985), pp. 67–70 | Article
Hamp, Eric P. 1985 OED Suppl. dreckNOWELE Volume 5 (March 1985), pp. 107–108 | Article
Hamp, Eric P. 1984 Speyer Gothic FarwaNOWELE Volume 4 (October 1984), pp. 51–52 | Article
Hamp, Eric P. 1984 NaßNOWELE Volume 3 (June 1984), pp. 49–51 | Article
Hamp, Eric P. 1982 ‘Thwaite’Language Form and Linguistic Variation: Papers dedicated to Angus McIntosh, Anderson, John A.E. (ed.), pp. 161 ff. | Article
Hamp, Eric P. 1981 Albanian edhe “and”Bono Homini Donum: Essays in Historical Linguistics, in Memory of J. Alexander Kerns. (2 volumes), Arbeitman, Yoël L. and Allan R. Bomhard (eds.), pp. 127–131 | Article