Gyde Hansen

List of John Benjamins publications for which Gyde Hansen plays a role.


Why Translation Studies Matters

Edited by Daniel Gile, Gyde Hansen and Nike K. Pokorn

[Benjamins Translation Library, 88] 2010. xi, 269 pp.
Subjects Interpreting | Translation Studies

Efforts and Models in Interpreting and Translation Research: A tribute to Daniel Gile

Edited by Gyde Hansen, Andrew Chesterman and Heidrun Gerzymisch-Arbogast

[Benjamins Translation Library, 80] 2008. ix, 302 pp.
Subjects Interpreting | Translation Studies
Subjects Translation Studies
Hansen, Gyde 2013 Many tracks lead to the goal: A long-term study on individual translation stylesTracks and Treks in Translation Studies: Selected papers from the EST Congress, Leuven 2010, Way, Catherine, Sonia Vandepitte, Reine Meylaerts and Magdalena Bartłomiejczyk (eds.), pp. 49–62 | Article
The knowledge and expertise of professional translators is frequently observed in translation process research and their patterns of behaviour are compared with those of students. It seems to be a common assumption that students are still developing their translation skills whereas professionals… read more
Hansen, Gyde 2010 Translation ‘errors’Handbook of Translation Studies: Volume 1, Gambier, Yves and Luc van Doorslaer (eds.), pp. 385–388 | Article
Hansen, Gyde 2010 Integrative description of translation processesTranslation and Cognition, Shreve, Gregory M. and Erik Angelone (eds.), pp. 189–211 | Article
Empirical translation scholars constantly strive to meet the rigorous research requirements required by the scientific research paradigm. Studying cognitive processes in translation, however, involves many findings based on highly qualitative data, including subjective observations of very complex… read more
Global and national changes have resulted in new requirements for quality management and quality control in translation. International standards like the recent European Quality Standard for Translation Services, EN 15038 (2006), have been developed in order to give clients an assurance that they… read more
Gile, Daniel and Gyde Hansen 2004 The editorial process through the looking glassClaims, Changes and Challenges in Translation Studies: Selected contributions from the EST Congress, Copenhagen 2001, Hansen, Gyde, Kirsten Malmkjær and Daniel Gile (eds.), pp. 297–306 | Article