Sandiway Fong

List of John Benjamins publications for which Sandiway Fong plays a role.

Fong, Sandiway and Jason Ginsburg 2012 Computation with doubling constituents: Pronouns and antecedents in phase theoryTowards a Biolinguistic Understanding of Grammar: Essays on interfaces, Di Sciullo, Anna Maria (ed.), pp. 303–338 | Article
In the biolinguistics program, syntax has access to only limited and minimal operations such as Merge (and Move) plus local (to Phase) probe-goal, Chomsky (2000, 2001). Under this blueprint, the challenge for implementation is twofold: (1) to show that such a system operating locally can… read more
Di Sciullo, Anna Maria and Sandiway Fong 2005 Morpho-syntax parsingUG and External Systems: Language, brain and computation, Di Sciullo, Anna Maria (ed.), pp. 247–268 | Article
Fong, Sandiway 2005 Computation with probes and goals: A parsing perspectiveUG and External Systems: Language, brain and computation, Di Sciullo, Anna Maria (ed.), pp. 311–333 | Article