Mackie J.-V. Blanton

List of John Benjamins publications for which Mackie J.-V. Blanton plays a role.


Blanton, Mackie J.-V. 1987 Many sentences and difficult textsLanguage Topics: Essays in honour of Michael Halliday, Steele, Ross and Terry Threadgold (eds.), pp. 401–412 | Article
Blanton, Mackie J.-V. 1987 Many sentences and difficult textsLanguage Topics: Essays in honour of Michael Halliday, Steele, Ross and Terry Threadgold (eds.), pp. 401–412 | Article
Blanton, Mackie J.-V. 1985 Fries’ functionalismToward an Understanding of Language: Charles Carpenter Fries in Perspective, Fries, Peter H. and Nancy M. Fries (eds.), pp. 237–258 | Article