Marta Falkowska

List of John Benjamins publications for which Marta Falkowska plays a role.


This paper examines metaphors in perfume reviews in four languages, namely Polish, English, Russian, and French. Some typical features of the perfumery discourse, similar across the four languages, have been highlighted, such as clustering, extension, and mixing metaphors. The authors also… read more
Zawisławska, Magdalena and Marta Falkowska 2021 Typology of metaphors with the olfactory target domain in the Polish perfumery discourseThe Linguistics of Olfaction: Typological and Diachronic Approaches to Synchronic Diversity, Jędrzejowski, Łukasz and Przemysław Staniewski (eds.), pp. 449–474 | Chapter
The relative scarcity of lexical olfactory field in Polish makes it difficult to describe the complex and subjective sensation of smell. Unsurprisingly, the Polish perfumery discourse is permeated with various types of metaphors. This chapter proposes a typology of metaphors on the basis of… read more