Vincent J. van Heuven

List of John Benjamins publications for which Vincent J. van Heuven plays a role.


The Phonological Spectrum: Volume I: Segmental structure

Edited by Jeroen van de Weijer, Vincent J. van Heuven and Harry van der Hulst

[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 233] 2003. x, 306 pp.
Subjects Phonetics | Phonology

The Phonological Spectrum: Volume II: Suprasegmental structure

Edited by Jeroen van de Weijer, Vincent J. van Heuven and Harry van der Hulst

[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 234] 2003. x, 262 pp.
Subjects Phonetics | Phonology

The Phonological Spectrum: 2 Volumes (set)

Edited by Jeroen van de Weijer, Vincent J. van Heuven and Harry van der Hulst

[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 233-234] 2003. x, 308 pp. & x, 264 pp.
Subjects Phonetics | Phonology
Fluency, comprehensibility, and accentedness are considered important parameters of interpreting quality but have rarely been studied systematically in training programs of interpreting. Therefore, the present study was set up to investigate the effect of fluency training on speech fluency,… read more
Yenkimaleki and van Heuven (2021) studied the effects of teaching either segmental or suprasegmental (prosodic) aspects of English, in combination with either perception or production-focused practice (four combinations in all) on the speech intelligibility and comprehensibility of Persian L1… read more
Gooskens, Charlotte and Vincent J. van Heuven 2020 How well can intelligibility of closely related languages in Europe be predicted by linguistic and non-linguistic variables?Mental representations in receptive multilingualism, Holmes, Bonnie C. and Michael T. Putnam (eds.), pp. 351–379 | Article
We measured mutual intelligibility of 16 closely related spoken languages in Europe. Intelligibility was determined for all 70 language combinations using the same uniform methodology (a cloze test). We analysed the results of 1833 listeners representing the mutual intelligibility between young,… read more
Heuven, Vincent J. van and Toni Rietveld 2019 Fifty years of phonetic sciences in The NetherlandsLinguistics in the Netherlands 2019, Berns, Janine and Elena Tribushinina (eds.), pp. 27–32 | Article
The present study investigates the effect of prosodic feature awareness training on the intelligibility of speech produced by Iranian interpreter trainees. Two groups of student interpreters were formed. All were native speakers of Farsi who studied English translation and interpreting at the BA… read more
Heuven, Vincent J. van and Constantijn Kaland 2017 Chapter 10. Prosody of restrictive and appositive relative clauses in Dutch and GermanCrossroads Semantics: Computation, experiment and grammar, Reckman, Hilke, Lisa Lai-Shen Cheng, Maarten Hijzelendoorn and Rint Sybesma (eds.), pp. 155–176 | Chapter
Abstract Restrictive and appositive relative clauses differ in their meaning and structure. The first restrict the class to which the antecedent refers, whereas the latter denote additional information on the antecedent. In terms of structure, this difference concerns the relation… read more
Yenkimaleki, Mahmood and Vincent J. van Heuven 2017 The effect of memory training on consecutive interpreting performance by interpreter trainees: An experimental studyFORUM 15:1, pp. 157–172 | Article
The present study investigates the effect of memory training on the quality of interpreting by Farsi-to-English interpreter trainees, with special attention to diminishing the rate of omission of message elements. Participants were assigned to two groups on the basis of their overall performance… read more
This experimental study of consecutive interpreting investigates whether: (1) there is any correlation between assessments of its fluency and accuracy; (2) judged fluency can be predicted from computer-based measurements like articulation rate. Ten raters judged six criteria of accuracy and… read more
Post da Silveira, Amanda, Vincent J. van Heuven, Johanneke Caspers and Niels O. Schiller 2014 Dual activation of word stress from orthographyDutch Journal of Applied Linguistics 3:2, pp. 171–198 | Article
Studies in bilingualism have shown that words activate form-similar neighbors in both first (L1) and second (L2) languages. Accordingly, we hypothesized that the degree of form similarity between L1–L2 word pairs causes a proportional amount of prosodic transfer in L2 speech production. Thus,… read more
Yu, Wenting and Vincent J. van Heuven 2013 Effects of immediate repetition at different stages of consecutive interpreting training: An experimental studyLinguistics in the Netherlands 2013, Aalberse, Suzanne and Anita Auer (eds.), pp. 201–213 | Article
The present study investigates whether immediate repetition improves consecutive interpreting performance during training. In addition, the study tries to shed light on whether the effects of immediate repetition differ between BA and MA interpreting trainees. In the experiment, ten raters judged… read more
Bosker, Hans Rutger, Jeroen Briaire, Willemijn Heeren, Vincent J. van Heuven and Suzanne Jongman 2010 Whispered speech as input for cochlear implantsLinguistics in the Netherlands 2010, Kampen, Jacqueline van and Rick Nouwen (eds.), pp. 1–15 | Article
Wei He, and Vincent J. van Heuven 2010 On which side of the Atlantic is Chinese-accented English? An acoustic comparison of Mandarin, British and American English monophthongsLinguistics in the Netherlands 2010, Kampen, Jacqueline van and Rick Nouwen (eds.), pp. 87–100 | Article
Tang, Chaoju and Vincent J. van Heuven 2008 Mutual intelligibility of Chinese dialects tested functionallyLinguistics in the Netherlands 2008, Koppen, Marjo van and Bert Botma (eds.), pp. 145–156 | Article
Sun, Lei and Vincent J. van Heuven 2007 Perceptual assimilation of English vowels by Chinese listeners: Can native-language interference be predicted?Linguistics in the Netherlands 2007, Los, Bettelou and Marjo van Koppen (eds.), pp. 150–161 | Article
Tang, Chaoju and Vincent J. van Heuven 2007 Mutual intelligibility and similarity of Chinese dialects: Predicting judgments from objective measuresLinguistics in the Netherlands 2007, Los, Bettelou and Marjo van Koppen (eds.), pp. 223–234 | Article
Wang, Hongyan and Vincent J. van Heuven 2006 Acoustical analysis of English vowels produced by Chinese, Dutch and American speakersLinguistics in the Netherlands 2006, Weijer, Jeroen van de and Bettelou Los (eds.), pp. 237–248 | Article
Branza, Mircea and Vincent J. van Heuven 2005 Linguistic variation in the subjuntivo imperfecto in Spanish America in the 16th centuryLinguistics in the Netherlands 2005, Doetjes, Jenny and Jeroen van de Weijer (eds.), pp. 25–36 | Article
Heuven, Vincent J. van, Renée van Bezooijen and Loulou Edelman 2005 Pronunciation of /ei/ in avant-garde Dutch: A cross-sex acoustic studyDialects Across Borders: Selected papers from the 11th International Conference on Methods in Dialectology (Methods XI), Joensuu, August 2002, Filppula, Markku, Juhani Klemola, Marjatta Palander and Esa Penttilä (eds.), pp. 185–210 | Article
Liang, Jie and Vincent J. van Heuven 2005 Phonetic and phonological processing of pitch levels: A perception study of Chinese (aphasic) speakersLinguistics in the Netherlands 2005, Doetjes, Jenny and Jeroen van de Weijer (eds.), pp. 125–137 | Article
Niioka, Yuki, Johanneke Caspers and Vincent J. van Heuven 2005 The perception of interrogativity by Japanese speakers of Dutch as a second languageLinguistics in the Netherlands 2005, Doetjes, Jenny and Jeroen van de Weijer (eds.), pp. 139–150 | Article
Heuven, Vincent J. van and Robert S. Kirsner 2004 Phonetic or phonological contrasts in Dutch boundary tones?Linguistics in the Netherlands 2004, Cornips, Leonie and Jenny Doetjes (eds.), pp. 102–113 | Article
Wang, Hongyan and Vincent J. van Heuven 2004 Cross-linguistic confusion of vowels produced and perceived by Chinese, Dutch and American speakers of EnglishLinguistics in the Netherlands 2004, Cornips, Leonie and Jenny Doetjes (eds.), pp. 205–216 | Article
Haan, Judith and Vincent J. van Heuven 2003 This is a yes/no-question?Linguistics in the Netherlands 2003, Cornips, Leonie and Paula Fikkert (eds.), pp. 59–70 | Article
Heuven, Vincent J. van, Harry van der Hulst and Jeroen van de Weijer 2003 Nasality, voice and moreThe Phonological Spectrum: Volume I: Segmental structure, Weijer, Jeroen van de, Vincent J. van Heuven and Harry van der Hulst (eds.), pp. ix–x | Article
Remijsen, Bert and Vincent J. van Heuven 2003 On the categorical nature of intonational contrasts: An experiment on boundary tones in DutchThe Phonological Spectrum: Volume II: Suprasegmental structure, Weijer, Jeroen van de, Vincent J. van Heuven and Harry van der Hulst (eds.), pp. 225–246 | Article
Wang, Hongyan and Vincent J. van Heuven 2003 Mutual intelligibility of Chinese, Dutch and American speakers of EnglishLinguistics in the Netherlands 2003, Cornips, Leonie and Paula Fikkert (eds.), pp. 213–224 | Article
Heuven, Vincent J. van and Robert S. Kirsner 2002 Interaction of tone and particle in the signalling of clause type in DutchLinguistics in the Netherlands 2002, Broekhuis, Hans and Paula Fikkert (eds.), pp. 73–84 | Article
Heuven, Vincent J. van, Loulou Edelman and Renée van Bezooijen 2002 The pronunciation of /ɛi/ by male and female speakers of avant-garde DutchLinguistics in the Netherlands 2002, Broekhuis, Hans and Paula Fikkert (eds.), pp. 61–72 | Article
Butskhrikidze, Marika and Vincent J. van Heuven 2001 Georgian harmonic clusters as complex segments? A perceptual experimentLinguistics in the Netherlands 2001, Wouden, Ton van der and Hans Broekhuis (eds.), pp. 27–40 | Article
Heuven, Vincent J. van and Judith Haan 2000 When and how do we hear whether a Dutch speech utterance is a statement or a declarative question?Linguistics in the Netherlands 2000, Hoop, Helen de and Ton van der Wouden (eds.), pp. 93–104 | Article
Heuven, Vincent J. van and Robert S. Kirsner 1999 Interaction of Grammatical Form and Intonation: Two Experiments on Dutch ImperativesLinguistics in the Netherlands 1999, Bezooijen, Renée van and René Kager (eds.), pp. 81–96 | Article
Caspers, Johanneke, Vincent J. van Heuven and Nynke van Zwol 1998 Experiments on the Semantic Contrast between the 'Pointed Hat' Contour and the Accent-Lending Fall in DutchLinguistics in the Netherlands 1998, Bezooijen, Renée van and René Kager (eds.), pp. 65–79 | Article
Kirsner, Robert S., Vincent J. van Heuven and Johanneke Caspers 1998 From Request to Command: An Exploratory Experimental Study of Grammatical Form, Intonation, and Pragmatic Particle in Dutch ImperativesLinguistics in the Netherlands 1998, Bezooijen, Renée van and René Kager (eds.), pp. 135–148 | Article
Haan, Judith, Vincent J. van Heuven, Jos Pacilly and Renée van Bezooijen 1997 An Anatomy of Dutch Question IntonationLinguistics in the Netherlands 1997, Coerts, Jane A. and Helen de Hoop (eds.), pp. 97–108 | Article
Lalleman, Josine A., Ariane J. van Santen and Vincent J. van Heuven 1997 L2 Processing of Dutch regular and irregular VerbsITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics 115/116, pp. 1–26 | Article
Do Ll and (advanced) L2 speakers of Dutch employ distinct processes — rule application for regulars and lexical lookup for irregulars — when producing Dutch past tense forms? Do L2 speakers of a language that observes the same dual conjugation system as in Dutch (e.g. English, German) produce… read more
Kirsner, Robert S. and Vincent J. van Heuven 1996 Boundary tones and the semantics of the Dutch final particles hé, hoor, zeg and johLinguistics in the Netherlands 1996, Cremers, Crit and Marcel den Dikken (eds.), pp. 133–146 | Article
Leyden, Klaske van and Vincent J. van Heuven 1996 Lexical stress and spoken word recognition: Dutch vs. EnglishLinguistics in the Netherlands 1996, Cremers, Crit and Marcel den Dikken (eds.), pp. 159–170 | Article
Mauder, Elisabeth and Vincent J. van Heuven 1996 On the rise and fall of Spanish diphthongsLinguistics in the Netherlands 1996, Cremers, Crit and Marcel den Dikken (eds.), pp. 171–182 | Article
Kirsner, Robert S., Vincent J. van Heuven and Renée van Bezooijen 1994 Interaction of particle and prosody in the interpretation of factual Dutch sentencesLinguistics in the Netherlands 1994, Bok-Bennema, Reineke and Crit Cremers (eds.), pp. 107–118 | Article
Neijt, Anneke and Vincent J. van Heuven 1992 Rules and exceptions in Dutch word stressLinguistics in the Netherlands 1992, Bok-Bennema, Reineke and Roeland van Hout (eds.), pp. 185–196 | Article
Heuven, Vincent J. van and Annelies Hoos 1991 Hiatus Deletion, Phonological Rule or Phonetic Coarticulation?Linguistics in the Netherlands 1991, Drijkoningen, Frank and Ans M.C. van Kemenade (eds.), pp. 61–70 | Article
Jongenburger, Willy and Vincent J. van Heuven 1991 The Distribution of (Word Initial) Glottal Stop in DutchLinguistics in the Netherlands 1991, Drijkoningen, Frank and Ans M.C. van Kemenade (eds.), pp. 101–110 | Article
The relative contributions of lexical time expressions and time information in verb endings was established for three groups of readers : a control group (C) of native French readers, an experimental group of Dutch learners of French having received instruction emphasising French verb morphology… read more
Dutch orthography has traditionally been described as a morphophonemic writing system, a set of morpheme preserving regularities superimposed on a predominantly phonemic substratum. Causes for complicating a strictly regular one-to-one phoneme-letter relationship in Dutch are isolated, and… read more