Bart Hollebrandse

List of John Benjamins publications for which Bart Hollebrandse plays a role.


Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2008: Selected papers from 'Going Romance' Groningen 2008

Edited by Reineke Bok-Bennema, Brigitte Kampers-Manhe and Bart Hollebrandse

Subjects Generative linguistics | Romance linguistics | Theoretical linguistics

Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2002: Selected papers from ‘Going Romance’, Groningen, 28–30 November 2002

Edited by Reineke Bok-Bennema, Bart Hollebrandse, Brigitte Kampers-Manhe and Petra Sleeman

[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 256] 2004. viii, 273 pp.
Subjects Generative linguistics | Romance linguistics | Theoretical linguistics
Veenstra, Alma, Bart Hollebrandse and Napoleon Katsos 2017 Why some children accept under-informative utterances: Lack of competence or Pragmatic Tolerance?Pragmatics & Cognition 24:2, pp. 297–313 | Article
Binary judgement on under-informative utterances (e.g. Some horses jumped over the fence, when all horses did) is the most widely used methodology to test children’s ability to generate implicatures. Accepting under-informative utterances is considered a failure to generate implicatures. We… read more
Rouweler, Liset and Bart Hollebrandse 2015 Distributive, collective and “everything” in between: Interpretation of universal quantifiers in child and adult languageLinguistics in the Netherlands 2015, Köhnlein, Björn and Jenny Audring (eds.), pp. 130–141 | Article
In this paper we studied the interpretation of sentences with the Dutch universal quantifiers alle (all) and elke (each) in collective, distributive and cumulative situations. In the first experiment, 25 adults and 30 children from 5 and 6 years old performed a truth-value judgement task. Adults… read more
Hollebrandse, Bart and Sylvia Visser 2006 Temporal quantification and events in Dutch child languageLinguistics in the Netherlands 2006, Weijer, Jeroen van de and Bettelou Los (eds.), pp. 114–125 | Article
Hollebrandse, Bart and Erik-Jan Smits 2005 The Acquisition of the Weak–Strong Distinction: The Case of the Dutch Quantifier Allemaal Bare Plurals, Indefinites, and Weak–Strong Distinction, Vogeleer, Svetlana (ed.), pp. 247–264 | Article
Drozd & van Loosbroek (1999) and Geurts (2003) recently introduced the weakstrong distinction into the discussion concerning the acquisition of quantification. They predict that children will start out interpreting all quantifiers as weak ones. Our experiment was set up to test this hypothesis.… read more
Hollebrandse, Bart 2000 State–non state difference in Dutch L2 acquisition of EnglishLinguistics in the Netherlands 2000, Hoop, Helen de and Ton van der Wouden (eds.), pp. 133–142 | Article