Vicent Josep Escartí

List of John Benjamins publications for which Vicent Josep Escartí plays a role.


Subjects Romance literature & literary studies | Theoretical literature & literary studies
Subjects Medieval literature & literary studies | Romance literature & literary studies | Theoretical literature & literary studies
Questo articolo fa un percorso sulla ideologia della cavalleria, dalle proposte teoriche di Raimondo Lullo fino alle novelle Tirante il Bianco e Curial e Güelfa. Tra il Duecento ed il Quattrocento si osserva una evoluzione degli ideali e della pratica della cavalleria nella Corona d’Aragona. Si… read more
The Valencian humanist Bernardino Gómez Miedes (1515–1589) was born in Aragon, trained in Rome and near the end of his life appointed Bishop of Albarracin. He gave the Spanish monarchy paraphrases of the Chronicle of Jaume I, first in Latin (1582) and then in Castilian (1584). His interest was… read more
Babbi, Anna Maria and Vicent Josep Escartí 2015 Nota introductoriaMore about 'Tirant lo Blanc' / Més sobre el 'Tirant lo Blanc': From the sources to the tradition / De les fonts a la tradició, Babbi, Anna Maria and Vicent Josep Escartí (eds.), pp. xi–xiv | Miscellaneous
Babbi, Anna Maria and Vicent Josep Escartí 2015 Introductory noteMore about 'Tirant lo Blanc' / Més sobre el 'Tirant lo Blanc': From the sources to the tradition / De les fonts a la tradició, Babbi, Anna Maria and Vicent Josep Escartí (eds.), pp. vii–x | Miscellaneous
In Tirant lo Blanc, as in other contemporary texts, the characters reveal their relations with writing, thus reflecting everyday’s uses of this intellectual tool. The script interacts as a way of communication between individuals and institutions, and makes the task of ensuring the reliability of… read more
Al Curial e Güelfa, com en altres textos coetanis, els personatges mostren les seues relacions amb l’escriptura, reflectint així els usos quotidians d’aquesta eina intel·lectual. L’escriptura interactua com un mitjà de comunicació entre particulars i entre institucions, i fa la funció de garantir… read more