Ronit Levie

List of John Benjamins publications for which Ronit Levie plays a role.

Ravid, Dorit, Amalia Bar-On, Ronit Levie and Odelia Douani 2021 Chapter 5. Hebrew adjective lexicons in developmental perspective: Subjective register and morphologyPolylogues on The Mental Lexicon: An exploration of fundamental issues and directions, Libben, Gary, Gonia Jarema and Victor Kuperman (eds.), pp. 109–142 | Chapter
Levie, Ronit, Elitzur Dattner, Racheli Zwilling, Hadas Rosenstein, Shirly Eitan Stanzas and Dorit Ravid 2019 Complexity and density of Hebrew verbs in preschool peer talk: The effect of socio-economic backgroundWhat is a verb? – Linguistic, psycholinguistic and developmental perspectives on verbs in Germanic and Semitic languages, Smolka, Eva and Dorit Ravid (eds.), pp. 237–273 | Article
Hebrew verbs were analyzed in the peer talk produced by 36 Hebrew-speaking children in two age/schooling groups (4;0–5;0 and 5;0–6;0 years), and from two socio-economic backgrounds (SES), mid-high and low. Each of the four age/SES groups consisted of nine children in three triads, where each… read more
Three main devices construct the content-word lexicon of Hebrew: (1) nonlinear affixation of root and pattern (e.g., adjective matok ‘sweet’ from the root m-t-q and pattern CaCoC);† (2) linear concatenation of stem plus suffix (the abstract noun metik-ut ‘sweet-ness’); and (3) reduplication (the… read more
Ravid, Dorit, Amalia Bar-On, Ronit Levie and Odelia Douani 2016 Hebrew adjective lexicons in developmental perspective: Subjective register and morphologyNew Questions for the Next Decade, Jarema, Gonia, Gary Libben and Victor Kuperman (eds.), pp. 401–428 | Article
Objective frequency does not always provide reliable information about lexical distributions across individuals’ development. We propose the subjective ranking by experts of lexical items’ register in the sense of ‘levels of linguistic usage’, which has been independently linked to AoA, as an… read more
Ravid, Dorit, O. Ashkenazi, Ronit Levie, G. Ben-Zadok, T. Grunwald, Steven Gillis 2016 Foundations of the early root category: Analyses of linguistic input to Hebrewspeaking childrenAcquisition and Development of Hebrew: From infancy to adolescence, Berman, Ruth A. (ed.), pp. 95–134 | Article
The Semitic root is commonly assumed to be the main lexical prime in Hebrew, relating morphological families in the major word classes. Psycholinguistic evidence supports the role of the consonantal root in acquisition and processing of Hebrew, from children’s early ability to extract roots from… read more
Hora, Anat, Galit Ben-Zvi, Ronit Levie and Dorit Ravid 2007 12. Acquiring diminutive structures and meanings in Hebrew: An experimental studyThe Acquisition of Diminutives: A cross-linguistic perspective, Savickienė, Ineta and Wolfgang U. Dressler (eds.), pp. 295–317 | Chapter
The chapter describes an experimental study of the acquisition of derivational diminutives in Hebrew. The study population consisted of 48 children in four age groups: 5–6, 7–8, 10–11, 12–13, and adults. Participants were administered two tasks: an explanation task, and a production task. The… read more