Ana R. Luís

List of John Benjamins publications for which Ana R. Luís plays a role.

Luís, Ana R. 2014 The layering of form and meaning in creole word-formation: A view from construction morphologyMorphology and Meaning: Selected papers from the 15th International Morphology Meeting, Vienna, February 2012, Rainer, Franz, Francesco Gardani, Hans Christian Luschützky and Wolfgang U. Dressler (eds.), pp. 223–238 | Article
This paper examines the interaction between form and meaning in creole word-formation, drawing on evidence from Kriyol, a Portuguese-based creole spoken in Guiné-Bissau. The goal will be to illustrate how full reduplication interacts in complex ways with other morphological operations such as… read more
Luís, Ana R. 2014 On clitic attachment in Ibero-Romance: Evidence from Portuguese and SpanishPortuguese-Spanish Interfaces: Diachrony, synchrony, and contact, Amaral, Patrícia and Ana Maria Carvalho (eds.), pp. 203–236 | Article
Within inflectional studies on cliticisation, it has been convincingly argued that clitics may either attach to a morphological host or a phrasal host (Klavans, 1980; Miller, 1992; Halpern, 1995; Spencer, 2001). In this chapter, it is claimed that the distinction between morphological and phrasal… read more
Luís, Ana R. and Ryo Otoguro 2011 Inflectional morphology and syntax in correspondence: Evidence from European PortugueseMorphology and its Interfaces, Galani, Alexandra, Glyn Hicks and George Tsoulas (eds.), pp. 97–136 | Article
Clitic pronouns in European Portuguese differ from clitics in other Romance languages in two important ways: (1) preverbal clitics can take wide scope over coordinated verb phrases and can be separated from the verb by (up to two) non-projecting particles (Crysmann 2002, Luís 2004); (2) the… read more
Although recent evidence has shown that creoles are not exempt from overt inflectional morphology, little is yet known about the exact range of inflectional categories expressed by creoles. A detailed analysis of the verbal paradigm of Korlai Creole Portuguese reveals that verbs encode conjugation… read more
Some Indo-Portuguese creoles exhibit morphological patterns that are characteristic of inflecting languages such as Latin or Portuguese. Verb forms contain not only overt tense and aspect suffixes but also theme vowels which identify the conjugation class of the verb. The genuine theme vowels are… read more